This weekend, I could...
+Finish binding Rinoa's quilt (Then it would be done! But bindings can be really, really tedious, so that's why I procrastinate.)
+Quilt Jacks's quilt (That's what my mother is voting for. She wants to see what it will look like.)
+Piece Di's quilt (Sure, I had the top mostly done, but then I decided to change it utterly and only 9 pieces of fabric are remaining the same.)
+Cut fabric for Sami's quilt (I don't have all of the fabrics yet, but I have a plan.)
+Finish piecing the yellow & red quilt (It could be a charity quilt or I could make it without batting and tell Lori it's a picnic blanket for her.)
+Watch about 48-hours worth of Psych, NCIS, Generation Kill, and Criminal Minds
+Play at least 48-hours worth of Tales of Symphonia...
Oh... decisions...
Originally posted at Comment where you wish, yo.