Flower: i told my mom im gunna go live in canadia and she looked at me like im an idiot
Flower: and she slike its CANADA!
me: ya my mom was like oookay...good luck with that
Flower: i said i was gunna live in chad and theyre liekw tf is that and i said its in africa and my dad basicly told me im gunna die form aids when i go and then i said im going to tahiti and mother was liek most of the ppl there died cuz of the hurricane
well today me, tory, lily, and kay all decided that if bush is elected WE ARE RUNNING AWAY TO CANADA!!!! and then when we get money we are leaving to Chad! i cant live in a country that inforces this "Patriot Act!" my voice may not count for this election but im GONNA MAKE IT HEARD!!!!
If your pro-freedom! VOTE KERRY/ EDWARDS for this upcoming election!!!!!!!! No more blood for Oil! Strenegthen our alliances, and keep the peace! Stop dictating our lives, let us choose who we are and who we arent, in this land of sopposed freedom! -- Kerry wants these things...don't you?!