haha lily like the title huh? we need to do it again, but im pretty sure j and j dont liek us very much...i dunno...lol. maybe bc we know what they plan...fools make it obvious..
haha anyways yesterday was crazy interesting...lol, normal mondays go to the riveria and chow on some yummy tacos....mhhhmhmmm...lol. well it was drew-sta-fers EIGHTEENTH! bday and he told us stories of the senior bonfire...next time i say WE GO!!!! and tear it up!!!!!!! yaya! haha anyways he had fun, how jelous am i? OH u can only imagine!! lol! well after story time lily decided to yell bitch in front of tory's rents...it was great! lol and then we sat down and ate some yummy salsa which is addictive! and then...
out of nowhere this guy in a yellow shirt comes up to our table and starts talking to us...it was halarious and he was insanely drunk, well his friend came over and they started asking us about our grade, name, blah blah blah and invited us to his houses..but after all it was a monday, so we were like no..? its a monday dude and he was like "EVERY NIGHTS A PARTY NIGHT!" lol! anyways drew and mario were laughing at us, and drew was having fun fucking with their heads, fucking funny...well at the end of the night the guy in the yellow shirt asked for my number, and i ended up giving it to him. tory says to use him, maybe...*teehee! lol he was kinda cute, but a lil bit too muscular... i dunno, he called and left a message telling me to call back, but i dunno if i should...maybe tomorrow ill text him, and just say i had shit to do thast why i didnt call him back...i dunno..."the leaches" as i will now refer to you two! LMAO JK! lub ya both! will prolly tell me to...but i dont want another brett situation coming up...hmmm...lol, well then this girl who worked there came up to us and was liek "im sry bout them, but im sure u liked it!" me and lily didnt know what to say...how funny well we left and then todya came up....
nothing special, morning was AWESOME though!...i did a slow mow fall off of my chair at pizza hutt at lunch...HALARIOUS! and then tonight is the senior auction i wonder what angel will do (LMAO LILY!) and jesse too...lol! aww tonight will be fun
thursaday is CIERRA'S PLAY AT THE FRANKLIN THEATURE (BY THE BUS STOP AND THE COURTYARD) -to anyone who didnt know where it s located- AT 7 P.M., GO AND SUPPORT SARAH LEE! *muah! good luck!
friday i get to meet GOLDIE HAWN with lily! IM SOO PYSCHED! YAY! shes soo cool! i love your dad lily! sooo awweeessssommme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i must go
moms being a bitch (what else is new?)
peace and love!
&heart; -me