jerkalert as a writing/image journal. I guess I'll add friends? Comment if you want to be added. I dunno. It'll be funny and mad. Just a journal.
here's a list of my lotr fandom (sad but enlightening).
· fibi and i use fake english accents when addressing each other as 'mr. frodo' or 'sam'.
· i've started call ann 'annwise'.
· talk amongst friends always ends on the note of how big elijah's eyes are or how sissy an elf can be.
· no one in my ap latin class wanted to sit by me in two towers because they feared my excitement.
· sean astin is damn hot.
· making shirts, anyone?
· i made a clay frodo head in art I last year.
· and it doesn't resemble him at all.
· someone (who knows who SHE is <333) likes my lotr fandom and i like hers.