more than just a polish!

Feb 25, 2006 18:33

wow its working qat home again! yay! gofd only knows why!

anyway rias last night was fun, good to see everyone in one place . a fun and eventful evcening!

then today away at seaford which was whack! weather was nasty with a freezing wind and hte pitch was crqappy. then there was the team of chavs fun fun! so heres a list of injuries that i can remember:

dave - ball to the cheekbone had to go off for a bity
jacob - ball to the eyebrow bone gashed it open nice n bloody
chris - ball to the elbow
opposition payer got a smack to the leg and could barely walk
ugly geoff got...a rap to the knuckles! alrthough he made a lot of it!

i'm p[rtertty sure theres more but nothing extra pordinary. but they were getting pretty pissed off with a lot of stuff! but they did love it when they won dammit! 3-2 we played crap it wa a constant game of catch up uuurgh. and alleck missed a penalty by hitting the post! unlucky or what!

pub 'lunch' then home and i'm watching the rugby at hte minute dnt intend on doing much else today! 9-6 scotland :S come on england drive em out!
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