Feb 18, 2010 15:01
What is your favorite Kool-Aid flavor?
I don't particularly care fo Kool-Aid, so, none?
Do you have a wireless keyboard and mouse?
No. Batteries on them run out. It is wasteful *and* annoying.
Last sporting event you watched on TV or in person?
Men's olympic snowboarding.
Who makes the best fudge?
My mum.
Do you like it when toothpaste bubbles in your mouth?
Grr! Mad dog! Mad dog! ... I mean... *cough*... maybe?
Do you believe that the world is gonna end at 2012?
No. I didn't believe Y2K would mean the end of electronic civlization, either.
How many songs are on your iPod or MP3 Player?
124. I don't like putting it on random and skipping things that I am not in the mood to hear.
Have you ever made your own survey?
In a manner of speaking, not like this one, but I have written surveys for Political Psychology and Medical Anthropology.
Can you swear inside your house?
Sure, but I don't.
(this question is evidence that a child wrote it)
Do you save Bed Bath and Beyond coupons?
No. I don't save any coupons.
Have you ever had a pet goldfish?
Yes. It died.
When did you last eat waffles?
About 3 or 4 weeks ago.
What is the most overrated thing in your opinion?
The most overrated thing? Athletes, perhaps actors? Entertainment is nifty and all that, but the amount people pay someone reflects their 'value', and I don't feel the pay matches the value in this case.
Do you have a video Skype account?
What color is your bed comforter?
Various shades of gray.
Does being in love make you gain weight?
What? No. That's a stupid question. However, studies have shown dating someone heavier than you makes you more likely to be comfortable gaining weight yourself. The act of being in love has nothing to do with it.
Dumbest person you know? and why?
I don't know many dumb people.
Do your parents have home videos of you as a kid?
No. Pictures, sure, but no videos. I was a kid before the age of inexpensive video cameras.
How old is your oldest cousin?
Uhm, I don't know, probably around 25?
If you HAD to get a tattoo, where and what would it be?
On the inside of my SKULL! Roar! It'd be a barcode so that if I ever have neural surgery the doctors will think I am manufactured.
Do you think Obama has tried drugs?
Yes. I think most people in power have. The temptation and availability is too profound.
What color is your bra or boxers?
Blue. (touch blue make it true? no thank you.)
What is your favorite radio station?
I don't listen to the radio. Like, at all.
What ethnicity was your last ex?
Caucasian. Most of them have been, actually.
What brand is your refrigerator?
Generic and too small for four people.
How many people do you know that are pregnant?
Personally? One, my History of Burma professor. Laura's got a bunch of pregger family members, though, who I haven't met (and probably won't before they produce their offspring)
Do you have a picture with your middle finger up?
No. It's not that I don't swear, I do on occasion (road rage, programming, nube tubin' campers)... but I am not prone to middle finger use.
When is the last time you went to a birthday party?
Journey's birthday party a couple of weeks ago!
What is the best thing to happen to you this year so far?
2010? That's a good question, it's been a whole mess of busy and stressy, so I'll go with the dinner date I had with Laura in early January (we cooked while Laura watched the Packers, then watched a movie, hung out, etc... )
How long have you lived in the house you live in?
Since August, so now very long. Welcome to college, kids.
Do you read a newspaper daily?
I check CNN, CSMonitor, and the BBC daily or close-to-daily.
Anything your really afraid of?
Plenty. Needles. Being trapped in anything. Heights to some extent (but not really). Drowning (but not too bad anymore)
Do you read tabloids?
Standing in line I glance at them and roll my eyes, so... kind of?
Have you ever had a really bad haircut?
I'm going to go with probably, but I don't remember it, so it couldn't have been too bad.
Do you like your peanut butter crunchy or creamy?
What is the scariest movie you've ever seen?
Horror films don't really scare me. I did find the bloody hand prints on the walls in Blair Witch to be vaguely disturbing, though.
Have you ever ridden a skateboard?
Sure, when I was a kid. I used to be able to poorly ollie. That's about the extent of it.
Do you drink enough water on a daily basis?
In various forms, probably.
Would you burn the American flag for a million dollars?
You can do a lot of good with a million dollars that can't be done with an American flag. I think Uncle Sam would understand.
The main thing you cant leave your house without?
My phone, I think.
Do you think the economy is improving yet?
In some ways, but not others.
When was the last time you read a book?
Ha. Yesterday. Literally.
Where did you get that shirt you're wearing?
The NIU bookstore.
Do you play pranks on April Fools Day?
I have, I haven't lately, though.