Week 1, and done

Nov 11, 2012 17:36

So I have officially been home for 1 week.
Staples removed
Walking around the block
Walking up and down stairs smoothly and unassisted
Touching my toes
Bowel movements
Attending 2/3 of a derby bout

I'm healing at a much more accelerated rate than the myomectomy. I've been able to touch my toes since Tuesday. When I went to get my staples removed Dr Hayes was very impressed with the way my incision was healing, and said that I would be back on skates in no time. She used the word "amazing" a few times, and everyone in the office was commenting on how well I was walking and how well I looked.

Yesterday I went to the Derby Bout, we showed up about 5 min before the 2nd bout, I walked around quite a bit saying hello and collecting hugs; made 1 trip up to the balcony seats and back, and then another circle around the dome. Sat for the final bout, then a brief bout of good-byes and home.

For the most part the pain has gone from constant to activity-triggered. Up until today bowel movements were painful and exhausting (I'm on a Rx stool softener, yesterday I started a can of Prune Juice/day), and (I mentioned this to Dr. Hayes) most times when I urinate; just before the bladder is empty I feel what's like a "runner's stitch" in my side and middle below the scar. She said that she is surprised more people don't report that pain, that it's normal, and if it's still happening when I come back for my 3-week post op to let her know.

I'm not very good with sleeping on my back through the night, and the last few mornings I've been awakened by coughing fits (probably choking on my own drool or something). The coughing still hurts; even with the pillow. At times I try rolling onto one side or another; and it's difficult to find a position that doesn't hurt; the oddest part is feeling things shifting around when I roll over; and that actually kinda hurts :P

I've got 3 Percocet left, and then from there I'm left with the 600mg Ibuprofen for pain management. I've hit that point in healing where it's consequential pain, triggered by actions, vs the constant pain/dull ache. I also have hit post-surgery depression, feeling almost good enough for everyday activity but actually not and still needing to pay attention to what I do and what my limits are and listening to the pain when it flares.

Am also feeling the cabin fever starting in. I'm often struck by loneliness as it is; but being stuck at home as a not-quit-invalid-shut-in is making it worse. I'm thankful for the visits... Derby folk and Coven folk have signed up to deliver dinner and company throughout the next week and a bit, and people call and text and message and email to check in... but it's not the same and I still feel isolated and "out of sight, out of mind."

The fact that I'm healing faster just means a prolonged period of post-surgery glum. I have plenty of things to occupy my time and mind... it's just being able to sit still long enough to do any of them. I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year (tho I'm only just shy of 3000 words at the moment), I'm only on Level 15 in Portal and I should finish the game at some point. I'm working on a Baby Shower present that ends... you know, whenever (bucket of crocheted baby hats). I've got some sewing projects half-done... I'm intending to start getting involved with the SCA again in 2013 so I'll need to start making new garb; repairing old garb, finishing WIP garb, making and repairing my fencing armor (I'm hoping for some changes in physique by the time I'm ready to brandish a rapier again), and it's time to start getting stuff done around the house. But, these 4 weeks at home aren't about getting shit done... they're about convalescing, healing, getting better.

These next 3 weeks at home will be about practicing Patience. It's going to be a long 3, then 7, then 11 weeks.

tick. tick. tick.

hysterectomy, surgery, recovery, life, health

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