Who's addicted to Lotus??? I think everyone is! Love the song and love the PV! The choreography was really good and I can't wait for the Music Station performance. Is this the first time Arashi is wearing all white in a PV? I've seen them in black but not in all white... *thinks*
Anyways, I love Arashi in white. They all look so hot! *___*
[SCANS Orig] Lotus RE & LE
13 pages - 97.6MB
3700x3700 px @ 800dpi
Megaupload |
Mediafirepassword: a$t0ry!sb3giNninG
[SCANS Resized] Lotus RE & LE
13 pages - 23.6MB
2000x2000 px @ 800dpi
Megaupload |
Mediafirepassword: wHyLotus?
6 files - 65.3MB
Megaupload |
Mediafirepassword: 5H0tgUysiNwhitHe
*dang.. how can I misspell white? LOL Oh well, I'm too lazy to correct it.*
I know I said I'm posting the scans for Arashic but life is so busy these days. Hopefully I find time before this month ends..
Oh~ and I'm so happy I got a copy of Crazy Moon/Ashita no Kioku A & B side.. Wooohooo!!!
And kya~ Let me just say I love love love Bartender!
Okay, I'm an Aiba ichibaner so I may be a bit bias but I seriously love the drama! Plus, I soooo ship Aiba + Kanjiya Shiori. They're so cute~
My dad is so into the drama as well.. him and my mom. LOL