Nino, Ohno and Sho Layouts
this is the first time I'm sharing so take it easy on me. it might not be up to your standards.
Scans from
arashi_yuuki original codes from
milou_veronica Best viewed widescreen though it might work on fullscreen. Instructions are at the bottom of the page.
Preview /*------------------------------
her face was just a smear on the pane [sidebar]
((flexible squares; basic, plus and paid; milou veronica))
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/*-----------------------ARCHIVE PAGE--------------------------------*/
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/*------------MINI ICONS BY PINVOKE-------------*/
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/*--------------- MISC-------------- */
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Preview /*------------------------------
her face was just a smear on the pane [sidebar]
((flexible squares; basic, plus and paid; milou veronica))
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/*---------------------COMMENT PAGE-----------------------------*/
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/*------------MINI ICONS BY PINVOKE-------------*/
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/*--------------- MISC-------------- */
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Preview /*------------------------------
her face was just a smear on the pane [sidebar]
((flexible squares; basic, plus and paid; milou veronica))
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/*-----------------------ARCHIVE PAGE--------------------------------*/
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/*------------MINI ICONS BY PINVOKE-------------*/
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/*--------------- MISC-------------- */
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1. Select Journal Style
2. Choose "Autumn" Flexible Squares layout
3. In Choose a Page Setup select either "2 Column (sidebar on left)" or "2 Column (sidebar on right)"
4. Click Customize Selected Theme
5. Choose "Style" and delete the text inside the box beside "Background color of the outer table". This will make your ads' background transparent
6. Click "Sidebar" and make sure drop down menus are set to "Yes" on the items you want included on your sidebar. You can also change its ordering.
7. Click "Custom CSS" and make sure all drop down menus are set to "No"
8. Paste code in the "Custom stylesheet" box