I bring an SPD fic. I found out History class was canceled, and instead of working on history paper right away, I procrastinated and wrote this :P enjoy everyone!
Title: Lost Colors
lkwreader or Lauren
Fandom: Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta.
Series/Character/Pairing: SPD. Jack Landors, Sky ‘Schuyler’ Tate, Bridge Carson, Z ‘Elizabeth’ Delgado & Sydney ‘Syd’ Drew; Mentions of Ally Samuels. Small hints of Sky/Sydney, Bridge/Z and Ally/Jack.
Rating: G.
Words: 266.
Disclaimer: SPD or Power Rangers in any of its incarnations does not belong to me. Although I wouldn’t mind owning Sky or Bridge *dodges kick from
etapa for wanting to own Bridge. Forgive me, Min! *pleads*
Notes: Jack reflects on the rangers, himself included, post-endings and their signature colors.
Jack’s POV:
Jack had never really thought of red as his signature ‘color’; he had always like black. But after joining SPD and becoming the Red Ranger, he couldn’t stop wearing it. Every day, he had to have red somewhere or it just didn’t feel right. Once he had left SPD, he couldn’t shake the habit of wearing red.
It was odd, seeing Sky in red and Bridge in blue, that day that they visited him and Ally. He knew Sky had wanted to be Red ranger since he was little, but somehow it didn’t seem suit Sky. He couldn’t help but thinking that red was still his color.
And if Jack was unsure about red & Sky, he was sure that blue wasn’t Bridge’s color. It was such a serious color, and that was the complete opposite of the erstwhile Green Ranger.
Sydney & Z still looked the same, because they had wanted to stay with their old colors. Besides Jack thought to himself, pink and yellow suited the girls better than green would’ve on either of them.
Comments are love!
last-minute question: if history paper isn't due on Wednesday, would it better to concentrate on everything due on Tuesday first and then worry about history paper. I'm leaning towards yes, especially since history paper isn't due until 2:50 on Wednesday, and classes start at 8:00 tommorrow. I need feedback, please!