another meme

Feb 14, 2007 21:17

meme yacked from elfflame.

The rules:

1. Leave me a comment saying "interview me" (or whatever).
2. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature (or not so creepy/personal).
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions (or else).
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post (or else).
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions (or... you get the idea).

My Questions:

1. What are you three most favorite fandoms, and why?

Omg, only 3? My top one has to be Power Rangers. I've been watching Power Rangers since it started and I've followed it ever since. There a few charcaters that really seem like copies of other characters, and I appreciate that. The 2nd one has to be the Mighty Ducks movies. Just because I've seen the movies so many times, I know everything about the characters, and I truly enjoy watching the movies. The last one is Dawson's Creek...I actually got into it when it was about to end, but I was able to watch the entire series in reruns on TBS...I could probably tell you almost anything about the show, and I just love the show.

2. Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter, and why?

That's a hard question. Before now, I would've said Hermione, but that's not my answer anymore. Now, it's Neville. Neville is still a very shy person, but he's grown braver, and has more self-esteem. He reminds me of myself when I was younger.

3. Which are best: Books, TV or Movies?

Movies. Because they're classic, they never change, and you can intrepret them so many different ways, which is harder to do with books, and the on TV, you're supposed to determine a certain way.

4. If you could rescue one of the "dead" characters from the next book, which would it be, and how would you do it?

Dumbledore, no question. I know he's been criticized about having his own agenda, but he was so wise and nice, I couldn't help but like him. His methods were effective and in the end, Harry couldn't help but appreciate him.

5. What's your favorite fanon idea?

The idea that two characters that have little to no interaction on screen with each other can be seen as a couple. You really have to examine the characters and how they interact, even if it's not with the person you usually would ship them with. Two of my own examples of that...Jason & Kat and Cassie & Zhane.

and then my other questions, by etapa

1. What are you majoring in college? If you're undeclared, do you have anything in mind?

I'm an Elementary Education & Psychology double major. Why a double, you ask? Because we aren't allowed to just major in Education, I think because it's too general of a field, so we have to a speciality.

2. Do you have fanfiction pet peeves? What are they?

When the character becomes too OOC. That just annoys the hell out of me, especially when the character becomes OOC, it's just like, that's completely trashing the original character *cough TommyKim shippers who make Kat into a crazy, jealous bitch cough*

3. If you could be one of your favorite fictional characters, who would you want to be and why?

Well, this one I wrote about (or referred to in my first drabble). She was the little sister of Souta, from boukenger, and Souta was a protective older brother. just growing up with Souta, seeing him as a kid would be all kinds of awesomeness.

4. If you could travel to any of the universes of your favorite fandoms, where you would want to go and why?

Wow. I'd love to go the Mighty Ducks (movies) universe, just because I think I'd fit in with the Ducks pretty well...also, they need more girls there.

5. Where's my Souta/Natsuki fic you promised me? (hehe) :P

*sticks tounge out* it's on a long list of fics that I'm working towards...hopefully, I'll have it soon.


hp, mighty ducks, dawson's creek, jason/kat, power rangers, meme, cassie/zhane, school, boukenger

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