Fanfic: A Dream Within a Dream

Oct 01, 2012 16:48

Um... still a bit insecure writing in this fandom. ^__^; Hope it's not too bad.

Title: A Dream Within a Dream
Fandom: Kuroko no Basket
Pairings: Aomine/Kuroko, Kagami/Kuroko

 “Tetsu? Oi, Tetsu?”

He wakes up with a sob and a start, feeling long fingers on his face. He is surprised to realize that tears are welling up in his eyes.

Aomine-kun's face is equal parts surprised and worried and it's almost comical. Kuroko doesn't laugh, though. For some reason he is sure that if he laughs now, it will end up in an uncontrollable fit of hysteria and it will scare the shit out of his partner.

“You were crying in your sleep”, Aomine helps Kuroko sit up and pulls him to a lose, comforting embrace, “Bad dream?”

The room they are in is small and messy. There's no furniture besides their bed, a closet with broken doors and a bookcase. There are clothes scattered on the floor, mixed with magazines and empty packages of snacks. Kuroko has no recollection of this place but he sees photos of him and Aomine on the walls: moving day, first week, first month. In one, they are holding up the lease contract, happily pointing to their signatures at the bottom of the paper. In another, Aomine is covered in dust, triumphantly pointing at the shiny clean floor with a broom. Kuroko remembers nothing of these snippets of their daily lives, the beginning of a partnership that (apparently) goes far beyond basketball.

The arms around him are strong and warm and suddenly Kuroko knows what is wrong now and feels his heart sink. Aomine kisses the top of his head. Kuroko holds tight and cries in a way he hasn't done since he was a small kid.


He wakes up with a sob and a start, feeling long fingers on his face. This time, he is not surprised to find himself crying.

The arms that help him sit up are strong and warm, but they are not tanned and smell different.

“Did you have a bad dream?”

They are in Kagami's bedroom. He remembers their first time there, clumsy arms and legs tangling, lips hesitating, trying, exploring, the scaring intimacy, the raw moans and cries. He remembers sharing a blanket (there were extra blankets in the apartment but it was so, so much better to be close like this) and sipping hot chocolate together on chilly nights. He remembers everything.

Kuroko sighs and snuggles on Kagami's lap, hungry for the taller boy's warmth, desperate for his new light to obliterate the old one, the one he knows he will never have.

“It was nothing”, Kuroko lies.

kuroko tetsuya, fanfic, aomine daiki, kuroko no basket, kagami taiga

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