T&B drabble fic - "Compensations"

Mar 29, 2012 16:39

This was written because of that little guy in the fanart I posted about a month ago .  Awfully mushy, I know, but I'm in mushy, corny, fluffy mood now, so...

Title: Compensations

Fandom: Tiger and Bunny

Pairing: Kotetsu/Barnaby

Warning: temporary genderbend, mushy, corny, fluffy.


There was something to be said for spending a whole year as a member of the opposite sex.

It was not a situation to be happy about unless you were Nathan Seymour, which was not the case. There was the odd feeling of having breasts, larger hips and more sensitive skin. Having nothing where once there was something and ugh, hormones affecting your mood, your body, and that scary bleeding every month. Sometimes, the sharp, almost unbearable pain to hear Tomoe slipping from Kotetsu's lips during their love making - this had never happened when Barnaby was a man.

And yet, there were compensations. Plenty of them.

Like the way chocolate and sweets would taste incredibly better, especially when he/she was feeling tired or depressed. Or how amusing it was to watch Kotetsu dumbfounded, tripping on his own feet even more than usual, before Barnaby's naked body.

But the greatest compensation of all is this small, warm and squirming bundle in his arms. For this little guy, Barnaby wishes he could stay a woman for a little more. The NEXT power that transformed him is already starting to wear off, though. He wonders who Kaede copied that power from.

Suddenly, Kotetsu's arms are around him, engulfing him and the baby tenderly.

“Hey beautiful”, the older man whispers. Their kiss is slow, passionate, a mix of sadness and excitement because by tomorrow, Barnaby will be a man again. Kotetsu knows the impending question, the one his young partner is painfully gathering the courage to ask, so he decides to cut the story short.

“I love you, Bunny-chan, no matter what you are.”

fanfic, tiger and bunny

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