Sep 11, 2011 16:33
Ten years ago today...I can't believe it. 2001 was an eventful year for me April of that year my first child was born. I was a new Mommy. I was just barely getting my sleep schedule back on track. I was working at a daycare and we had only been back to teaching for around two weeks because we took time off in the summer. I had a class full of 15 two-years olds to take care off and all I could think of was wanting to hold my son and never let go. I wanted to protect him from the "evil" that had been done to us. I was so shocked for the first hour or so I couldn't wrap my mind around what had happened. I couldn't stop praying for the people involved. I was never more proud to be an American. The images of that day will forever be burned into my brain. We should never forget and never take our great country for granted!
writer's block