Dec 15, 2007 11:51
Daft Punk was excellent.
possibly went for half an hour too long. they played from 9ish to 10:45ish. there was a lull for 15 mins from 10-10:15 where they just didn't play any songs, but just mixed and scrounged for time.
Muscles' sound was too small. good for clubs. not for huge outdoor venues.
Cut Copy were great as usual. but a little bit same-y.
Presets were same-y too...much like the last four times i've seen them.
DJ's were interesting...lots of Bumblebeez, Klaxons...possibly because they're both on the Modular label...
so it was good. i think. i'm glad i went. but it was so so so dusty. all my clothes are brown. my skin was brown. when i blew my nose after, it came out black.
cough cough cough.
now i am aching all over. the mosh pit was much like getting gang banged by 5 men. yuk. everyone had their shirts off, and there was lots of jumping around, sweatiness, and pecs/perky moobs everywhere. gross.
it also occured to me how much the most macho homophobic straight dickheads have so much in common to the grossest campest gays...they have the same tastes in music, hug each other a lot, touch each other a lot, find the slightest opportunity to get their clothes off, and have dirty dirty language.
mind you, most of the men were extremely good looking, the girls were orange skanks, so it was pleasant scenery. no fluoro, no huge man cleavage (except when they all had the urge to take their clothes off.)
fun fun.
back on monday.