Oct 12, 2003 15:17
not much to write about, so i don't ever say much in here. things are goin great between me and edan i don't give a fuck what n e one thinks about him.
i've been busy like whao - etween practicing work rehersals and school i haven't had much time for n e thing.
got my licence
i'ce had it a week now..and i was driving down 95 today at 60 mph and my tire fell off and rolled past me, i had to swerve over and was stuck on the side of 95 for about 2 hours with only three tired on my car. that piece of shit. it scared the crap out of me.
yea...wis i could see skye...doesn't seems liek it matetr tho...all these other people have seen her while she's here, she's got her own agenda and i've had to work and go to my oma's. i tried to go yesterday when i had about 10 min. tomyself from when i got off work o when i have to leave, ally told me they'd all be there at the time i would go over...so i go to ally's er mom says they all left for kk's so i go to kk's and no one had seem them there. i just LOVE IT when people LIE to me and i waste he only ten minutes i got trying to track them down. it's great. then 11 a nigh kk accidently calls me and says they're at laura's. that kinda pisses me off...they tell me they'll be at hooters all night or some shit...at least alley did...good thing i didn't go to hooters because they wouldn't have been there like they said they'd be either.
im gonna go. i need to practice-have rehersal after school tomorrow and i can't play this music worth shit.
laura..i've started to work on that song...i can get through the first page...i don't know if i'll have it by the october coffee house tho. i'll try