Jun 08, 2005 12:33
An Ode To Summer:
Out of Spring Summer Winter and Fall, Winter, Summer is my favorite of all! Where's Summer Been? well, Summertime is here. Can't you feel the Summerwind? I hope no one has a Cruel Summer, and that everyone gets some Summer Lovin'. Suzy is spending her Summer in Berlin or close to by going to Germany for a month. It would be nice if it was an Endless Summer, but we all know that isn't possible. My Own Summer will be spent in New Hampshire Sailing Without a Sail and being a camp counselor. Hopefully it won't be a Friendless Summer. All Summer Long I will be dreading having to come back to school, but I will Miss You! Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone? Right now we have some Sticky Summer Weather, but that is a whole lot better than three months full of Cold Summer Days. It's sad but true, the End of Summer will soon be here. And soon all that Remains of Summer Memories, are happy thoughts of Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer.
Ok, So I hope you all enjoyed my bored rambling, the sad fact is it took me 30 minutes to put that together. So, I am sitting here after completeing that frightening Macro final, which I studied my ass off for, and then ended up losing it all over ONE problem! DAMN!!! I am leaving for Ye Ole' GP. Then I will be off again on Tuesday morning for Camp Wicosuta. However I am enjoying this use of color in my LJ. Well the plan right now is to: Take a nap, Finish up some work, clean and pack my ass off, shower, take apart the computer, then wait for my padre. And that is how it ends my friend. Nine months later and this is the end already. Before you know it I will be talking about going on Study Abroad!!! But for now I am just going to worry about the next 3 trimesters at good old KZOO College! I am sitting here watching some ReAlLy BaD aCtInG on All My Children. I think that spells the end of this entry and the beginning of a nice nap for me.
So, just in case this is my last LJ entry, I will miss you all, and can't wait to hear about your summer and tell you about mine come August 16th. So Write me or Email me if you can. And just a heads up my Cell is switching from Verizon to NEXTEL.