Dig Deep; PG-13 (Drabble)
Something is killing Jin from the inside.
First Strike; PG-13 (Drabble)
Jin knew the perfect way to shut Kame up.(Sequel to
Another Name)
Pretense; NC-17 (Drabble)
For now, Maru would pretend.
Refuge; PG (Ficlet)
Maru has always been there for Kame.
Series of Nakame & KameDa Drabbles; (Drabbles)
NaKame, KameDa PG-13
Of Chocolates and Purple Lingerie; PG-13 (Oneshot)
Kame turns into a girl, literally.
Another Name; PG-13 (Oneshot)
Ueda just wants to pay his revenge.
Perfect Lies; PG-13 (Oneshot)
Ryo asked Ueda where had he been. (Sequel to
Another Name)
One Alcohol Too Many; NC-17 (Oneshot)
Clubs, dancing, gyrating hips. Does anything more need to be said?
Into The Morning Sun; PG-13 (Oneshot)
Ueda pays Kame one last visit.
Series of Nakame & KameDa Drabbles; (Drabbles)
NaKame, KameDa PG-13
Chasing Fairies; PG (Drabble)
Chasing after fairies has got to be easier than this.
Take me away ; PG (OneShot)
Kazuya had always dreamed of bigger things. Pirates were just not one of them.