I couldn't resist...

Oct 05, 2013 11:15

I haven't done anything more than just flip through an LKH book in the store in... a long time.
I think I've also cleared my shelf of everything except possibly my paperbacks of Guilty Pleasures and The Killing Dance.

But after reading all the bad reviews on Amazon and here, I couldn't resist taking a look for myself.  Luckily you can return Kindle purchases.

1.  The "Facebook friends" thing made me wish that someone would do a parody FB (like the Game of Thrones one) for AB.
2. Does anyone else feel like Nathaniel really runs things?
3. I know everyone has said it numerous times but... the wife/husband thing is very annoying.  They're not married, he's not a woman, and for all her preaching about not fitting into normal gender roles, she can't get away from the terms.
4.The whole thing about Anita and Micah trading clothes - for the love of diety, please STOP.  "Put muscle on my delicate girl frame", "bulked up for a girl", "between him not bulking much and me bulking more than most women" (at least she used "women" and not "girl" AGAIN) not only all sound stupid, but they contradict each other.  I cannot buy that, in any way, shape, or form that they can trade jeans (in part because women's jeans don't seem to have anywhere that would contain the Member that makes up his personality).  And when was the last time she WORE jeans, anyway? Why are the jogging shorts so popular?
5. The historical society thing is one of those little glimpses of plot that makes you wish for the days when the stories had a plot.
6. Why not just call it a "car seat", like the rest of the world?
7. I don't get why explaining Matthew is SO HARD.  It's a barbeque, not Anita writing her memoirs.  That, and I'm pretty sure that using Aunt/Uncle is pretty common out here in reality.  It's also weird considering how much emphasis she puts on the whole "family of choice" thing - if you don't believe the bio family is the end-all be-all of existence, then why insist on rigid rules like not using terms that the kid is familiar with.
7a. The whole Matthew situation is just weird, but that's been said about a hundred times.
8. If Anita is the "husband" and Nathaniel is the "wife", who is Micah?  The pet cat?
9. Did anyone else feel like Anita's description of Elise should have been turned back around on herself?
10. The whole Anita-not-understanding-social-dynamics continues to not make sense.  Luckily Micah was there to save the day. (Excuse me while I vomit.)
11. Who uses a sentence like "Your kid bloodied my little girl." ?
12. As much as she decries gender roles, then she talks about Matthew having a playdate with "older women" (they're 5)?  Squick (especially considering the note from pre-school)
13. Of course, little Jeannette must be bad... using those feminine wiles.
14. The ballet thing = pretty stupid.  The whole thing where the high school guy asks where she takes lessons?  Maybe meant to be funny, but I'm pretty sure it's not something you can just pick up all of a sudden.  Then again, Anita sees male ballet dancers as "props" for women (hey, pretty much like she does...)
15. The "real ballet dancer" thing from Kaitlyn I kind of understood -  but "real" was the wrong word.  Maybe "star" would have been better?  Pretty sure the ballerinas who don't get to dance with a partner are still real.
16. The whole last sentence (aside from being borrowed from John Michael Montgomery) is just awkward.

It's been said a few times - if this had been offered on her website, or in the back of a book, it wouldn't have been bad.  Paying $2.99 for it = bad.

book: ab 21.5: dancing, bookflog: dancing

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