(no subject)

Apr 19, 2006 12:54

From LKH's blog...her in italics, me in normal font.

"Edited on STRANGE CANDY today. Hopefully, I'll finish up tomorrow."

Okay...editing a whole book in TWO DAYS? No wonder the things are still so full of errors!

"My head went really ugly during the editing, which it does sometimes. You know, nothing makes you happy, nothing seems right, and you hate it all."

substitute "reading of this book" where the word "editing" is, there...and LKH? That's how your readers feel.

"Every writer I know admits that sometimes you just can't see your own writing clearly."

For god's sake LISTEN TO THEM!!!

"Head going ugly is the opposite problem that you sometimes have when you've finished a glorious muse-driven rush."

No, that's common sense declaring you've fucked up everything.

"You put the writing away, let it, and you, cool off. Then you come back to it with a clearer head. You usually find that the writing is neither as bad as you feared, nor as perfect as you thought. Reality lies somewhere in between."

No, no it does not. It REALLY does not.

wank: the darkity darkness of her soul, wank: writing, she made you a metaphor but she eated it, book: strange candy, blogflog

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