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Jan 06, 2010 01:47

@kohning We discuss that they had sex off stage a lot more than on stage. I can't possible show on stage every time Anita & lover have sex

Posted 1-5-10 from TweetDeck

But, dammit, she will try!

I really wish that, instead of just realizing she "can't possibly" show every time Anita has sex, she'd go the opposite route and put a cap on the amount of sex shown in each book. Twice per book, maybe, just to ease herself in. Then, put a limit on how many people gain something from sex; once per book is probably something she could handle, but I'd like it to be once every third book. Really, let's face it, no book should have more than one scene in which someone gains phenomenal cosmic power (iiiitty bitty living space) from having sex. Having that happen once per book in a long series is just ridiculous. I don't want to hear about anymore of Anita's boy toys gaining power from making her scream. It's not only unseemly, it's also boring. Characters that can always power up from having sex with Anita are not interesting.

"I can't open this pickle jar!"
"Just have sex with Anita."
[several minutes later] "Pickle acquired! NOM NOM NOM!"

(No pun intended, but that was awesome)

A complete lack of struggle is not interesting. I don't understand why anyone would want to read books in which the characters just live their lives without doing anything new or different. The sex in the ABVH series has become as routine and boring as reading about a character washing the dishes.

I was also thinking about how, with all the power that Anita just- ah- hands out, willy nilly (Where is Willy, anyway! Did he pack up his fuzzy dice and leave town quietly?), don't you think this sort of thing would get out? Don't you think that there are even just humans out there who have their fingers in supernatural pies who have probably heard about this magical, rotating door of power? Edward can't be the only sociopath out there who plays well when the monsters when it serves him well.

I'd like to see some Microsoft-sized President/CEO/whatever businessman take notice of all the powers Anita is handing out and decide that he wants that for himself. He could send in a few lowly vampires/werewolves/Frankensteins/Mummies/whatever to test the waters. Then, when he's sure what he hears is legitimate, he could get guys like Edward to blow Anita's stronghold to bits while she and JC or she and Micah are out on a date. Then, when all her whiny friends are blowed up by bombs with silver and holy water shrapnel, he should kidnap Anita and keep her tied up so that he can power up every day at Rape O'Clock!

But, no. Nothing this interesting/unpleasant would ever happen in the Anitaverse. Boo.

tweet flog, wank: sex, anitaverse

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