This is of such badness, it may even surpass Micah.

Mar 16, 2006 19:46

So, the cover art for Strange Candy is up.


Good GOD it's ugly. Who chose that sickly bile green? (And is the cover model...blonde? *squints* Why yes, it appears she is. Hello, new Mary Sue!)

And gee, thanks for including previously published stories, too. Because we totally need the opening chapter of Incubus Dreams in a third book. And that's not at all a giant middle finger to all the people who bought the supernatural anthologies strictly for Laurell's stories. (Not that I'm one of them, but I feel their pain.)

ETA: As if that's not enough, according to the page on it's a mere 272 pages--less than Micah--and retails for $25 in hardcover. (There's also a discussion entry by our very own Darla, whose profile is little more than a boot-licking paeon to her beloved mistress. "My favorite author is Laurell K. Hamilton. I am Laurell Hamilton's assistant." *HEADDESK*)

book: strange candy

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