So I went to see;
last night with 6 other people. Another summer big action blockbuster? You bet! This was one of the more enjoyable movies i've seen recently. Definetly felt like I got my money's worth. Lot's of hillarious bits if you pay attention.
However nothing as funny as the arguement one of the people i was with got into with the person sitting in front of him:
A girl comes out in to spotlight shining at the bottom of the screen, and starts telling people to turn off their cell phones and what not, raising money for charity, etc etc..
and the guy starts too boo her and pretend he cant hear at the back of the theatre... really annoying, i tell him to shut up, but im a few seats away so most likely wasnt heard over his heckling...
The girl making the announcements is obviously distraught as she can't speak english very well, and this isnt helping her do her task...
anyways.. The guy sitting one row up gets totally pissed off and starts telling the guy we were with to shut up and grow up.. and a cursing match starts up... it dies down before any punches are thrown luckily
( I am laughing pretty hard right now because the other guy is a white thug wanna be and has very little credibility) ..
so the previews start and everything seems to be back to normal... untill the guy im with starts talking to the guy beside him.. and they are a bit loud.. the guy in front of him gets pissed off again and starts cussing my friend out.. im laughing pretty hard again cuz my friend is an idiot.. and he totally deserves it.. the guy gets so riled up he says "fuck you holmes" and walks out of the theatre..
At this point most of the section we are sitting in is chuckling at this ridiculous display from the two.. And i start thinking to myself.. this guy waited an hour in a line up outside (there was a huge line up to get in) and paid a lot of money to see this movie.. how annoyed did he have to be to just leave... one would think he would at least move elsewhere if he was that agitated,, nay nay he was so pissed off he actually left .. ahh you had to be there to find humour in this i suppose, but if you knew my friend you would know he is very annoying... but i didnt realize it could go to this extent..