Character Chart
General Info
Character’s full name: Loris Karius
Character’s preferred name/nickname: often goes by Lo
Birth date: June 22, 1993
Age: 23
How old does he/she appear*: mid-twenties
Weight (pounds): 165
Height (inches or feet and inches): 6'2"
Body build*: fit with broad shoulders. not overly muscular, but it's easy to tell that he works out and takes good care of his body
Eye color: blue
Hair color: blond
Type of hair*: moderate length and often slicked back or to the side
Predominant physical features*: tattoos that cover both arms and span across his chest, a whole lot of freckles on his torso
Gender Identity: male and identifies as such
Sexual Orientation: feels the most pull towards men, but has been known to sway under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Medical History
Physical disabilities: none
Allergies (medical and seasonal): penicillin is a bitch
Chronic Illnesses/Disorders: often battles with insomnia
Medications: none
Blood Type: a+
Surgeries: once when he broke his wrist
Serious Illnesses: none
Broken bones (past or present): wrist
Glasses or contacts: neither
Distinguishing marks: birthmarks, tattoos, scars, etc plenty of tattoos to go around. also a freckle at the tip of his nose
Positive personality traits: caring, good listener, avid dog lover, loyal to a fault
Negative personality traits: short-tempered, vulgar, too lax at times, hates responsibility, sometimes paranoid
Sense of humor: likes a good laugh and making people laugh in return
Character’s greatest fear and why: debilitating fear of open water. has no one ever seen jaws?
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: being stupid enough to knock someone up
Character is most at ease when: he's around people who share the same passions
Most ill at ease when: he's cooped up for too long
Enraged when*: his priorities are unfairly questioned
Priorities in life: it's a delicate balance between family, work, and partying
Life philosophy*: life is too short to live with regrets
Greatest strength: his loyalty
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: has a hard time not wearing his heart on his sleeve
Mother/Female Guardian: Christine Karius
Relationship with her: Loris is much closer to his mother than his father, even though he does keep plenty of secrets from her
Father/Male Guardian: Harald Karius
Relationship with him: average, nothing special worth noting
Siblings?: only child
Relationship with siblings: n/a
Close Friends: all of his close friends are back in England, unless you count his main man Hugo
Current love interest(s): none
Significant past romantic relationships?: a few boyfriends here and there, but nothing that worked out for him
Person/people character goes to for advice: usually his mother, but he doesn't like to get into any nitty gritty details
Place of birth: Germany
Citizenship(s): German, English
Current city of residence: Atlantic City
With whom are they living?: by himself
Pets (past and/or present): his dog Hugo
Type of childhood: relatively average, bordering on uneventful
Childhood hero*: the joker, and there's nothing wrong with that
Current hero*: himself for making it this long without fucking up too badly
Dream job growing up: n/a
Current occupation(s): bartender at the Blue Note
Role at Palace: he might be just a bartender, but he's all about moving up. Loris keeps his head down and his ears open
Education: Loris started his education in Germany, but moved to London shortly before middle school. He did a one year stint for university there before dropping out
Short bio: Loris was born to a German father and British mother who definitely were not meant for one another. They stayed together for a while, but divorce is always inevitable when two people fall out of love. Still, it was an amicable enough split, and while Loris moved to England with his mother afterwards, his summers were always spent in Germany. With his father working long hours, Loris was free to get up to whatever he wanted, which meant exploring his already questionable sexuality. He'd never cared much for the female anatomy, after all, and guys were just the right amount of rough for him.
Loris ended up making quite a few colorful friends that summer that he didn't tell his parents about. It wasn't that he cared if they knew he was gay or not, it just wasn't information he would offer up without being asked. It was one of those friends that prompted Loris with the idea of going on a trip to Atlantic City shortly after he dropped out of university, and the notion of gambling and debauchery was hard to pass up. And the city did live up to its reputation, so much so that Loris felt the need to stay a while longer. He's only been in Atlantic City for a couple of months, but he's coming close to calling it his new home.
Plays a musical instrument? (If yes, which--including singing)*: nope
Plays sports? (If yes, which?): soccer, basketball
Martial Arts/Fighting training? If yes, what; what level of skill?: he's got a very basic knowledge of kickboxing
How he/she would spend a rainy day: probably either working out or rotting away on the couch playing xbox
Favorite games?: pool, soccer
Tobacco use?: very seldom smokes
Drinks: yes, German ales are his preference
Other drugs: weed (at least twice a week), has been known to pop a pill or two if offered
Carry weapons? If yes, what; what level of skill?: he carries a pocket knife, no real skill
Nervous habits or tics: habitual gum smacker and pen clicker
RP Sample: These were the sort of nights that Loris lived for. The crowd on the dance floor was a lively bunch, a mess of sweat-slicked bodies that slithered together under bright lights to the quickened tempo of the music. The floor reverberated with the bass, and so did Loris' ears. He brought his plastic cup to his lips, drank slowly as his eyes surveyed the scene at hand. Already several people had flashed him interested glances, beckoned to him with taunting limbs and sinful hips. Everywhere the smell of desperation and cheap cologne invaded the senses and threatened to turn him off, but the bodies... Glistening and undulating in a feverish fashion in an attempt to keep up with the music. To keep the attention of those they tried to impress. Loris smirked and crushed his empty cup in one hand before tossing it underfoot. One particular man had caught his eye, his slender frame swaying to a different rhythm, head tossed back and arms reaching towards of ceiling as if he were performing a ritualistic dance. Loris wanted him, and he would make sure that he staked his claim
OOC Stuff:
PB: Loris Karius
LJ/AIM: lkarius & prekarius
Babylon: no
Photo: you play other characters in the game, currently or in the past (and if so, whom)?: nope