Procrastination Yay!

Sep 30, 2010 00:23

Oh man, it has been a crazy busy start to the semester, so I need some fun fandom related gifting to take my mind off of that for a little while.  Not that Shakespeare and Ovid don't deserve ALL of my time >.<

Anyway, I might post more often once December hits, if I haven't been crushed under a pile of books, essay and take away containers. XD

until then:

To the first five people who comment to this post, I will gift you with something of my own crafting. It may be an icon, a manip, a drawing, a ficlet, or something completely random. You may love it or you may think it sucks, but regardless, it will be made with love for you from me. ;) Feel free to give me a hint of what you might like (ship, character, actor/actress, fandom, color, etc).

The catch? You must pay it forward and post this in your journal so you can gift 5 of your friends with special gifts made by you.

(I will also do more than 5 people if that many people are actually interested so don't hesitate to comment!!)

meme, fandom gifts!, rl

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