Dec 11, 2003 17:34
faltering image: i hate boys.
erin mical: i do too. buh.
faltering image: they make me all mushy.
faltering image: haha.
erin mical: they make me want to shoot myself in the head.
faltering image: i know
faltering image: Adam makes me want to commit sucide.
faltering image: or however you spell it.
faltering image: i just want to die right now
faltering image: so i can be happy like this forever.
faltering image: cause i know in a while
faltering image: hes going to hurt me.
erin mical: ah. that hits it.
erin mical: right on the spot.
So yes. i decided to fall.
I can't really say anymore. But thats exactaly what I did. I fell. Hard.
-------------------------------This is For Erin (to finish my story)----------------------------------
Ok. so after the whole "hey you" i was holding on to his arm because i grabbed him to get his attention (not like i didnt already have it :] ) and we were standing at the door of his class room and i decided to stick my hands all up in his pockets. you know..the usual girl thing to do when you are on a mad search for something...anything to hold on to...and i was like WHERE IS YOUR HAT?!? and he was all..thats why i havent been here...i got in trouble for my hat. i was like OMG! but i was like im supposta wear prrrromiseeeed. and he was like i'll bring it...i promise..i'll write it on my hand...and i was like okkkkkkkkkkkk and then i was like DRAW ME A PICTURE!
and he was like --
i'll think about it
and i was like --
no. do it.
and he was like --
GOD. I feel so strongly for him. like. UBER STRONGLY.
I still dont know who or what Kate Spade is. I guess i'll go look...HOLY SHIT those are so expensive...and ugly. My Gucci purse is so much better. hahahha.
the only things that are going through my mind right now are...."This Means War" "Its only you beautiful, or i dont want anyone" and ADAM. 66.6666666666 percent of that is Brand New...haha. my two favorite things...adam and brand new. BEAUTIFUL...
i hope max hurrys up..i have church in like an hour.
I guess im going to go hop in the shower and scream at the top of my lungs...i need will be good.
Oh. i forgot to add made me laugh. Hard.