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ljwanderer June 1 2017, 13:36:40 UTC
<Выкуплено было за 600$ каждый всего 3500 рабов>
Это - не доказательство того, что в КСА было 3500 рабов, это - только свидетельство того, что было выявлено и не сокрыто 3500 рабов.
BBC - это желтая пресса?
The sex slaves of al-Shabab - BBC News
abused in Saudi Arabia and.. confined to a wheelchair
in Saudi Arabia but was treated like a slave

the clip of the Saudi man stalking and sexually harassing his family’s “maid servant” is more than just an Internet meme. It is emblematic of the de facto slave subculture that thrives in modern day Saudi Arabia, supported by fatwas from Saudi clerics from the country’s dogmatic Wahhabi and Salafi schools of Islam, which argue that the Quran gives owners-most usually men-rights over “those whom your right hand possess,” or, in Arabic, “mā malakat aymānukum“ (4:3, 4:24, 4:24, 16:71, 23:5-6, 24:33, 24:58, 33:50).

One verse reads: “And if you fear that you will not be fair to the orphans, then marry whomever you like from the women, two or three, or four but if you fear that you won’t be fair to them, then marry only one or the slaves that your right hands possess. That is the closest way to prevent injustice.” (Quran, Surat Al-Nisa, “The Women,” 4:3)

For sure, abuse of power is global and universal. But to progressive Muslim thinkers, the notion of power over “those whom your right hand possess” is the theological underpinning of a cultural mindset that sanctions acts of brutality, like the media reports this week of a Saudi employer in New Delhi raping two “maids” from Nepal and, then, an employer in Saudi Arabia cutting off the arm of a woman worker from India, after she filed a complaint of torture. The government of Saudi Arabia did not return a request for comment.
Bengali Engineer 'Sold As Slave In' Saudi Arabia, Family Seeks Help


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