A note on Free Speech

May 24, 2008 03:50

I posted something similar to this in my own journal, but I decided to write it differently, here, taking into consideration the relationship of LJ to Free Speech.

For a breakdown of the First Amendment, go hereWhen Brad first started LiveJournal, he agreed to abide by the rules the government must abide by; e.g., not to restrict free speech ( Read more... )

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magyarok_saman May 24 2008, 23:11:04 UTC
Even free speech guaranteed by the Bill of Rights has its restrictions. For instance, you are not allowed, by law, to engage in hate speech, or speech that clearly incites a riot.

Stop blurring the lines. You know good and well why certain parties were banned from this community. They abused their rights here in the manner of a large swarm of rats overrunning a granary; you are going to close up the holes where they got through, because they're ruining the grain.

insomnia wanted a civilized, mature forum in which to promote serious candidates and discuss what sorts of things LJ has promised over the years, just to turn around and take away. Your "friends" created their own community so they could continue to overrun things like a plague of rats. THAT is the essence of free speech: We (as in groups) both got to do what we wanted to do, just not in the same area on the ye olde hard drive.

I am not excusing anyone, contrary to your opinion. I'm just sick and tired of certain parties distorting the true meaning of the First Amendment for their own goals and purposes. As I said, you wouldn't let the annoying kid from down the block just barge into your living room to call you names, now would you? Why do you expect insomnia to allow that same kid to do that to the rest of us?


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magyarok_saman May 24 2008, 23:19:58 UTC
I, for one, have had enough with the allusion that sockpuppet accounts were used to skew the results.

For one, being a person who knows good and well how the LJ code works - there is no way that anyone could tinker with their account creation date - and accounts that voted HAD to be created before March 11, 2008. That blows your sockpuppet theory right out of the water.

Why can't you just accept that a large amount of voters support a different candidate than you do - and a different candidate than yourself? Crying sockpuppet is bordering on the childish.


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magyarok_saman May 24 2008, 23:50:01 UTC
As someone who runs an LJ clone service, I can assure you that those accounts are NOT sockpuppets. Roleplayers frequently have multiple accounts, each one representing a character.

You're taking that and stretching it to, again, suit your own purposes and argument. One could say that you're crediting said roleplayers with prescience - that they knew, years ago, that this election would occur, so they hurried up and created as many accounts as they could to artificially inflate totals. C'mon, show a bit of maturity, eh?

Did you push for membership on this community just so you could continue the borderline invective your "friend" and his "friends" were banned from doing?


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magyarok_saman May 25 2008, 00:52:29 UTC
I'm just as sure your "friend" has friends with multiple accounts that used them for voting, and perhaps there are other candidates who have friends with the same advantage.

There is no way to prevent this, so whether it's fair or not is a moot point.


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