Major Shenanigans Error

Oct 14, 2009 16:20

   Okay, this is awkward ( Read more... )

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Comments 21

malruniel11 October 14 2009, 23:43:32 UTC
This is why we can't have nice things!

I don't know and I don't care who it was. The fact that it happened at all just boils my blood. It defeats the whole purpose of the community and the contest, and it really casts a bad light on good people. For shame.

Thanks for your honesty about it, and I commend your openness to figuring out how to proceed instead of, like you said, sweeping it under the rug. Enjoy Turkey!


emo_snal October 15 2009, 01:21:14 UTC
Thanks. This makes the contest look really bad but I'm trying to show that people can have confidence that shenanigans will NOT be tolerated here and they can utterly count on my dedication to running a fair contest.


theafaye October 15 2009, 00:00:59 UTC
I'd hate to think of any of the contestants being involved in this and I really hope they're not - they all seem to be utterly decent, talented people.

In any contest, finding evidence of cheating renders the result null and void (and often results in the person benefiting being disqualified). You have no means of knowing who is behind this, so I personally wouldn't push for disqualification, but I would remove the names from the poll and take the result from that. Since the run-off's occured, if it's still necessary, take the result from that.

Might I suggest next time a secomd pair of hands (and eyes) to help with the load - the poll closing late was out of your control but with someone to support you, it could have been avoided and less stress means less hassle.

What a pity that someone cares so much about a light hearted piece of fun as to leave a bad taste in the mouth.


emo_snal October 15 2009, 01:20:01 UTC
Yeah I agree that it would be nice to have someone else helping. If we get a clear winner this season I was planning on recruiting them in that capacity in the future /:

Since the run-off's occured, if it's still necessary, take the result from that.

So you're saying only count the run-off if there's once again a tie?


theafaye October 15 2009, 02:59:56 UTC
Since all 3 were in the run off, as long as that wasn't impacted by fake votes (which it couldn't be), if a run off is still necessary, use it. But if there's no tie, then a run off would never have happened so should be disregarded.

Alternatively declare everyone the winner :oP


ayoub October 15 2009, 10:09:14 UTC
Yup, I'm with you...


thornbury October 15 2009, 00:30:17 UTC
WTF? More than likely, someone was trying to be 'helpful'. This is why all polls should be anonymous.

If it's tampering, though - why manufacture a tie? (That's rhetorical.)


pullmytrigger October 15 2009, 00:36:54 UTC
I do find it interesting that annemarie_m is one of the names.

But yeah, that's low.


emo_snal October 15 2009, 00:46:32 UTC
Why's that? O_o


pullmytrigger October 15 2009, 00:53:10 UTC
Annemarie was a friend of ours (and several other people here). She recently deleted her journal (I can assume) because of some internet drama without a word to her friends (hence the assuming on the reason).

I find it interesting that someone created a journal with her screen name as part of it.


skitty October 15 2009, 00:50:26 UTC
It's odd that this didn't happen until the last poll. And even odder that whoever it was manipulated the vote into a tie.

Thanks for your openness, and for trying to do what is right.


emosnail October 15 2009, 00:57:09 UTC
Well I think it justifies my reason for not doing the final poll as anonymous ... I had said the final poll was too important to risk the chance that someone would tell people which picture was theirs under the table

(as it happens I looked at who voted for who in the runoff and determined that there was no corrolation between who people were friends with and who they voted for)


thornbury October 15 2009, 01:05:11 UTC
See, I disagree with this. Having it anonymous means that only you and the participants know which photo belongs to whom. It completely rules out outside actors if they don't know where to cheat.

Your parenthetical remark just underscores this. Anonymous voting works because it separates the LJ identity from the art.


emosnail October 15 2009, 01:11:43 UTC
I think anonymous voting has worked well when we've used it here, but I'm still suspicious of its corruptability.

Obviously I'll notice if an overwhelming number of people vote who vote for someone happen to be their friend, but if someone's a little bit more clever and just tells enough of their friends to tip the poll in their favour without a landslide I might never notice.

I'm still kind of suspicious why it is that in our runoff poll here, votes that had to be discarded because they were not eligible accounted for 12.5% of one contestants voters, 20% of another's, and 56% of the thirds.

I'm not accusing anyone of anything, because I can't figure out how that would actually translate to anything, but I don't entirely trust anonymous voting..


ayoub October 15 2009, 10:14:00 UTC

A lot of effort for what? It's not like there's a monetary prize or anything.



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