1. Name: Becky
2. Age: 15
3. Sex: female
4. Location: Perth, Western Australia.
5. Something interesting about yourself: I'm half Spanish and half South African. I speak 3 languages fluently. I was conceived in an airplane, which makes my parents members of the mile high club. I have two nipple piercings that were done by an older friend of mine, who owns a piercing/tattoo parlour.
6. If you had to repopulate the world, with what celebrity would you have help you? I think I'd have to go with David Bowie. He has divine cheekbones.
7. Describe yourself in as little words as possible: Assertive.
8. Why do you think you are one of LJs Finest? I'm creative and a bit of a ball-breaker. I'm also not afraid to stand up for someone who's getting picked on (regardless whether they're a stranger or not), even if it means compromising myself.
9. Promote for us. Give a link: I put a permanent link in my new community's userinfo under 'cool communities'.
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=scene_candy 10. At least 3 clear pictures.