1. Name: Hana Rose
2. Age: 16
3. Sex: Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemale
4. Location: Missoula Montana
5. Something interesting about yourself: I'm cross eyed with out my glasses or contacts. Its embarassingly cute. I'm also an artist. And I love Iggy Pop.
6. If you had to repopulate the world, with what celebrity would you have help you? Based upon the final sentance of my last question, I'd say its pretty obvious, but just for old times sake I'll repeat myself: Iggy Pop.
7. Describe yourself in as little words as possible: Quite, art student, angsty as fuck.
8. Why do you think you are one of LJs Finest?(you can be conceited): Because I'm amazing. And I'm a chick in a band, who doesn't sing!! I play bass. How hot.
9. Promote for us. Give a link: (your LJ doesn't count)
TEH SEX 10. At least 3 clear pictures:
This one: not so clear, but its what I have to work with.
Self Portrait? Yes.