a sort-of grand reopening!

Feb 11, 2006 22:19

Okay, so this community's been in a comatose state for a while. Sorry. Basically, the format of how things worked here had somehow become (except for the remix challenge, which I loved, and which we'll definitely repeat sometime soon) much too much like ljs100 than I'd planned, or wanted, and it took me a while to remember exactly what I had wanted, and get it all figured out for y'all.

Basically: this community was supposed to be more like a ficathon or a Secret Santa than it ended up being. So that's what it's going to be now. Differences: it'll be an odd combination between the two. Other formats, like remixes or other unusual challenge-type things, will sometimes be thrown in.

I think the new structure will be more inspiring, because it's less "pick-and-choose" and more "grab bag." It's also more binding, because it's more participatory. I've decided not to monitor who turns in their fics and who doesn't, because, honestly, it'll just annoy me and stress me out--but people should be mature enough to feel a responsibility to finish fics that other people are waiting to read. If you can't, or you're late, well. Just feel bad about it, okay?

So: to quote the userinfo, which remains virtually unchanged otherwise:Although there will occasionally be some deviation from format, the general procedure will be: one week of sign-ups, in which people who want to participate will post (screened) comments listing their requests (meaning what they want written, not what they want to write). When sign-ups have ended, everyone gets assigned another person's (anonymous) requests, and has a month to write a fic in response.

To clarify, since we haven't done this before: You will be assigned requests from other people, but except in cases where it's necessary, like a remix, you will not know where that request came from. Unless someone tells you after your fic is posted. Which they are not required to do.

This is sort of a trail-run. We'll do a few of these, and if I feel like there isn't enough interest, I'm just closing the community. That isn't a threat, just, well, the truth. So if you like the format, sign up. Post. Comment on other people's stuff. If there are changes you would like to see (I personally wouldn't mind shortening the amount of time for each fest, but hey, that's just me) or special themes you'd like the community to use, tell me about them.

Yes. So. Thanks for reading. Next post: Sign-ups for the next fest!
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