Title: White Lines
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Series: The Vampire Diaries
Claim: Elena
Prompt: #83- Ride/Drive
Summary: Elena's on her way home to Stefan after a trip with Bonnie and Meredith- set after book 4
White Lines
The window was cool against her hot forehead, and she was thankful that Meredith had taken charge like always and offered to drive. She stared out the window sightlessly, knowing that each revolution of the tires brought her infinitesimally closer to home, to him. Not that she hadn’t enjoyed the trip her friends had planned for her, but even the few days without him had seemed an aching eternity. But now they were on their way back, so close she could feel her pulse quicken. She smiled and began to count. Every single white dash brought her closer to him.
White lines and headlights in my eyes
White lines, I'm ready to drive all night
White lines, how many 'til I'm in your arms?
White lines will bring me home
~"White Lines" by Alexz Johnson