Teen Wolf thought of the day

Jun 13, 2013 05:28

Everyone assumes that Stiles's given name is something unconventional and potentially difficult to pronounce.

What if it's perfectly ordinary?

For example: What if the Sheriff is John and Stiles is John Jr. / the III? Maybe at school they called him John because, shockingly, in a classroom of Taylors and Brandons and every other trendy name, he was the lone ordinary and traditional John. And maybe Mama Stilinski (who, interestingly, also remains nameless) called him Johnny or Jack or some other relatively common diminutive?

When Mama Stilinski died, he threw away his name - that was something he connected with his mom. Sheriff Stilinski went along with it - after the grief and panic attacks, he'd call his kid the QE2 if that's what would make things better. Luckily, "Stiles" is at least predictable from their surname and easy to pronounce.
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