Okay, I still haven't seen the finales of Smallville or Supernatural, but...

May 26, 2011 05:24

...I've totally spoiled myself for Smallville and have watched clips on Youtube.

Supernatural, on the other hand, I have kept as spoiler-free as possible. I tried watching 6.20 but I can only find some random clips on Youtube. I don't know if my parents even have it to burn onto a disc for me (region 1 DVD player in the new laptop), because with Smallville 10.20 they deleted it before they even thought to ask, "Hey, did you want homemade DVDs of Those Boys Who Save The World A Lot and Stuff?" (To which my answer was HELL YES in my brain and "Well, yeah, that would be nice!" in real life. The first package, with the SV finale, is currently in the mail.) SV 10.20 also only has random clips on Youtube. (One of these days I might download one of those anonymizer thingies so that I can watch things on Hulu or whatever, but I'm not quite there yet.)

ANYWAY, checking the flist has been....interesting...because little things slip out in fic summaries and things that lead me to think about what must have happened in the episode, especially to certain angels. So, based on that, and some spoilerific icons that people are displaying with their links to whole pages of new icons, here are my guesses about what happened in the two-part finale of Supernatural:

1. Balthazar is dead. Probably because he pissed off Raphael one time too many. Or maybe was in cahoots with Crowley. (I made up that last bit out of thin air.) Also, his death was For Great Justice and Angelic Emancipation, or something.

2. Crowley is dead. Probably because Castiel went ninja-angel on his ass. Or something. Possibly The Boys were involved somehow.

3. Castiel lost his wings/grace because he pissed off Raphael one time too many. Balthazar is upset because his guru is now a mud monkey. Or something. Possibly Balthazar is not dead?

4. Castiel is now God.

5. Castiel is now God because Chuck said, "The hell with it, you kids need to get a clue. Didn't you think it was weird that I mojo'd him back to life a bazillion and one times? I gave you (metaphysical, Chrysler-Building-sized) brains for a reason!" and then zapped Castiel with divine mojo and took off for Tahiti with Gabriel, who was resurrected because Chuck always had a soft spot for his more creative and free-thinking kids (not that he was any good at showing it; John Winchester had a divine role model to live down to).

6. Dean and Sam were offered a free trip to Tahiti but declined.

7. Lisa will never speak to Dean again for reasons not explained by spoilers, but does exchange Christmas cards with Bobby. Also, she recently met some dude with attitude and an intriguing accent. Mysteriously, he has wings that only she can see. He may claim to be named Bob, but every once in a while she sees a very short fellow who calls him Balthazar. This short fellow is fond of snapping his fingers. Bob/Balthazar has an unnaturally strong hatred for anything that reminds him of Celine Dion.

8. Sam wakes up in the middle of the night, suddenly, and opens his eyes to see a mysterious shadowy figure leaning over his bed. He discovers that he cannot move but, luckily, his innate, semi-demonic psychic powers suddenly kick in to save him from mortal danger. Alas, he then passes out from the sudden and energy-sapping use of his powers. In the morning, he finds that half his hair has been cut back to Season One length or shorter.

9. Dean wakes up in the middle of the night, suddenly, to discover a ghost claiming to be one James Winchester, long-lost twin brother of a certain John Winchester, long estranged, leaning over his bed. He shoots it full of rock salt, screams in a manly, high-pitched voice, and falls out of bed. Falling out of bed wakes him up - thank goodness it was just a dream. But the next day, Dean has a nervous breakdown: the Impala is rear-ended by a Prius and when the driver steps out of the vehicle, it is James Winchester...

10. The Impala wakes up in the middle of the night, suddenly, to discover that she is Claudia Black. ETA: Or even better, Gina Torres.

(Nota Bene: I made up most of this. Just not all of it. You may laugh at me now.)
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