US : Весь НЕ кириллический сегмент : Лучшие посты за вчера

Jan 20, 2018 15:03

Если кому интересно, кто/что въ книжкѣ - platonicus (2 ч. на 1-м месте)

Van Eyck : Les Époux ArnolfiniBotticelli : La Naissance de Vénus,Vinci : La JocondeBrueghel l’Ancien : Paysage d’hiverArcimboldo : VertumneCaravage : Les TricheursVelázquez : Les MéninesVermeer : La LaitièreRembrandt : Le Retour du fils prodigueWatteau : Pierrot ou GillesCanaletto : Le Pont du RialtoRenoir : Jeunes filles au pianoDegas : La...

Just wondering - spikesgirl58 (2 ч. на 1-м месте)

What is your blood type?What is your perfect pizza?What keys on a keyboard do you not use?

Birthday Friday! - comment_fic (2 ч. на 1-м месте)

Happy Friday and a very merry my birthday to you all, my lovelies! Today is my last day pinch hitting and coincidentally is my birthday :D So today's theme is Birthdays! Prompts may be anything to do with birthdays. People celebrating them, forgetting them, having them go right or wrong. Have fun!Just a few rules:No more than five prompts in a...

And I have finished Fred's mask - spikesgirl58 (2 ч. на 1-м месте)

Here is the Bunnymouche mask!The  Papier Mâché stepFor scaleThe paintingTrimmed and ready to go!

Japan Trip (Meetup?) & Sales Update - pkmncollectors (2 ч. на 1-м месте)

Hi collectors!It's been about two months since my last post, which makes this my first post for 2018! :D Hope everyone has been enjoying the new year so far. I've still been saving up for my trip to Japan, which is next month!!! :O I'll be stopping by Malaysia for Chinese New Year with rellies first though.But I will be travelling to...

А вот и подкрепление с Запада ульяновским гомосекам-курсантам подоспело - mislpronzaya (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

Смакуют, сволочи, как они нашу молодежь смогли опустить...Двигали-двигали окно Овертона и додвигали!Чтобы парни мужественных профессий добровольно пошли на такое непотребство...И каждое из этих "изданий" пишет- да, это гомо-эротика,  да, это БДСМ стилистикаИ, в основном, они исследуют, как на это реагируют наши люди, и ставят себе...

Однажды в Америке - shultz_flory (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

If you’re blue and you don’t knowWhere to go to, why don’t you goWhere Harlem flitsPuttin’ on the Ritz? via P.S. Решил поразмять свои навыки геолокации. Никакого отеля, разумеется. Маша снялась на выходе из Постпредства РФ при ООН. Здание строили люди, у которых со вкусом еще хуже, чем у нее.

Немецкие СМИ предупреждают о создании в России «адского оружия» - ru_svpressa (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

The 2017 snapecase Reveal! - snapecase (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

Greetings, Creators and Commenters!The 2018 run of was an intimate fest, but your creativity and generosity made it an enjoyable one; thank you so much for participating! As well, I'd like to thank you again, Creators, for your patience and understanding in the wake of my mother's death; I'm very grateful to you all. *huggles*Without further...

Handwriting - zhelana (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

January 19 - Show us your handwriting. January 20 - Describe the place you keep your computer as if you were setting a scene in a novelJanuary 21 - Are you naturally messy or organized?January 22 - Do you have any siblings? Tell us about them. January 23 - What is your favorite book? January 24 - What is your favorite movie? January 25 - What...

Week #360 - tv_movie_icons (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

Rules~ Make up to 3 icons total.~ Use only the given pictures.~ The challenge ends on Wednesday January 24 10PM US Central time.Popular Theme: The Crown Winner's Theme: Parks and RecreationChosen by Week #358 winner . Moderator's Theme: Spider-Man: Homecoming

Sunday, 21 January 2018 - binky_betsy (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

We have a dialogue free strip that has John help the kids build a snow fort only for him to be left confused and upset because they're inside sitting by the fireplace when he gets done.(Strip Number 7264, Original Publication Date, 22 January 1989)Panel 1: Lynn disproves her point about how the strip is improved by captions like 'SWEEP, SWEEP!'...

:)) - terrao (1 ч. на 1-м месте)


Information about item + some wants! - pkmncollectors (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

I got this item about 2 years ago through a mystery box thing they put together from a Japan trip. I'm not sure what collection this came from or what it is. I think its a rubber coaster but not 100% positive.I searched up Pokemon cafe but didn't get much much luck through google or ebay searches. Also looking for dessert plate items, growlithe...

- thespian15 (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

Dolly Parton got two Guiness Book of World Records records today.She has had more songs on the Country charts then any other female artist.And...She has had hits in the Top 20 on the Country Charts over more decades, 6, then any other artist. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Happy Thoughts 2017 - zhelana (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

Every year I write down a happy thought every day, and read them on new years. I lost my box part way through last year and just found it again (thanks Tara!) So here are some of my favorite happy thoughts from last year. Got in a swim before dinnerGood time at mom's bdayStarting to volunteer at the zooClass went well at Summer CollegiaDogs are...

Challenge 06 Voting - tvlims (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

The following chose to use a skip or didn't enter an icon so a skip has been used for them:The following failed to enter and had no skips left, therefore they have been eliminated:Rules:· You have to vote for 1 lesser quality icon and 1 favorite.· Reasons for voting an icon out must be based on quality of the icon and not personal preference.·...

Yay! - spikesgirl58 (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

Just finish this long project for the box office and I've got less than an hour to go before quitting time. I am feeling much improved and the sun is out for the first time in over a week. We are supposed to get some rain tonight and we've got the all clear to burn. I am a happy camper.

100 Days of Happiness - Day 10 - dizzojay (1 ч. на 1-м месте)

So tonight our show is back after a long Christmas hellatus, and that's a happymaking cause for celebration if ever there was one. I've loved season 13 so far, The boys and Castiel are awesome as always, and Jack is fascinating and sweet, and can't wait to pick up where we left off back in early December. To mark this long overdue...

Весь НЕ кириллический сегмент, #358, #360, top_posts, us, daily

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