Don't wait for a trip to Paris or a winning lottery ticket for a needed boost. New research shows that small everyday habits make a big difference in your ability to cultivate a positive mindset. Weave into your routine these healthy choices from Prevention magazine, published by Rodale:
1. 9 a.m. - Start your day green: People who drink four or more cups of green tea a day are 44 percent less likely to be depressed than those who sip it less often. Its amino acid theanine may spur the release of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin.
2. 12:30 p.m. detox your lunch: Pack your plate with fresh fruit and veggies, in addition to fish and whole grains. Limit fried, sugary or processed foods to occasional treats. Women who eat this way have lower odds of depression, an Australian study found.
3. 10 p.m. track the good stuff: Every night, write down three things that went well for you that day. Be descriptive and note the role you have played in making them happen. You'll be increasingly mindful of how much control you have over the bright spots in your life.
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