Heath Ledger

Jan 23, 2008 09:23

I can't believe that Heath Ledger is dead. I just found out this morning. He was so young and so talented it is a shame and tragic that he has died at such a young age, especially leaving behind a 2 yr old daughter. It's weird even though I never knew this person I have felt numb since I learnt of his death. I guess I felt the same when Steve Irwin passed away also. I think it is such a shock to know that they have died and hard to believe when you never thought in a million years that person would ever pass away so soon in life like Heath did.

I am saddened by this news and though on some livejournal's I have read that some people don't care, I do as I am sure most people on my friends list do as well. Any loss of life is always tragic and sad.
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