Here it is

Apr 05, 2006 22:49

For all those who wonder why I love home so damn much:

You have just entered room "dunnbushproductions."
marked914: haha pink
CheerGurl 137: lehaha!!!
leeana benson: leahhhh
LiL Lilly422: hiya
skankwithmebaby: KEGS
skankwithmebaby: woah
LiL Lilly422: Jenna-what does encanta mean?
skankwithmebaby: i just tried to type leah
marked914: can we get a keg this summer!
sinpunk1: what inspired the chat
CheerGurl 137: love
LiL Lilly422: hahaha
LiL Lilly422: YESSSSS
skankwithmebaby: my facial hair
marked914: l;ove
sinpunk1: k
doolo157: i am gross
LiL Lilly422: Ryan told me he loves me
CheerGurl 137: aww :-)
IrishPunker107: MESSIER?!
CheerGurl 137: whos ryna..
LiL Lilly422: YESS
IrishPunker107: HES THE MAN
CheerGurl 137: wow LUCKY
marked914: hi nleah!
LiL Lilly422: HI MARK
sinpunk1: nice
marked914: hi
LiL Lilly422: HI TIM
CheerGurl 137: i wish ryna messier loved me
sinpunk1: hi leah
marked914: haha
IrishPunker107: me too
doolo157: furbush told me he loves me
marked914: jerk
LiL Lilly422: he can only love one
sinpunk1: i know ryan loves me
CheerGurl 137: :-(
IrishPunker107: me
LiL Lilly422: hahaha Doolo, no one loves you
IrishPunker107: hahahaha
doolo157: ouch
LiL Lilly422: lol Ryan loves ALL OF YOU
marked914: hahah
CheerGurl 137: i guess thats alright you do have diesel tits
LiL Lilly422: hahahaha
LiL Lilly422: yessah
skankwithmebaby: doolo! i love you!
CheerGurl 137: :-)
doolo157: YES!
skankwithmebaby: oh wait, i spelled hate wrong
LiL Lilly422: I love you too, Doolan
LiL Lilly422: hahahahaha
doolo157: does that mean we cn have sex dan?
LiL Lilly422: lol
CheerGurl 137: i love you most doolan ;-)
doolo157: thanks buddy
IrishPunker107: i did doolan
skankwithmebaby: if by have sex
sinpunk1: i almost love doolin
IrishPunker107: in the pooper
marked914: so dohts
LiL Lilly422: ew
skankwithmebaby: you mean get some chicken
LiL Lilly422: DOHTS
marked914: do you smoke at school
IrishPunker107: yes where is dohts
sinpunk1: o man!
doolo157: i feel so loved
marked914: shes masturbating
LiL Lilly422: ewwwww
LiL Lilly422: ewww
LiL Lilly422: MARK
marked914: to the letters
leeana benson: hahahah
skankwithmebaby: oh man! i wanna smoke right now
marked914: b
marked914: o
marked914: o
marked914: b
marked914: i
marked914: e
LiL Lilly422: LeeLEeeeeeeeee
marked914: and s
sinpunk1: hi mark :-)
CheerGurl 137: your horrible kark
LiL Lilly422: slippery nipples
marked914: hi tim:-)
CheerGurl 137: mark*
IrishPunker107: kark
IrishPunker107: hahaha
marked914: hi jenna
LiL Lilly422: haha
IrishPunker107: new name
marked914: haha kark
CheerGurl 137: hi mark
IrishPunker107: kark
LiL Lilly422: hi kark
sinpunk1: hey mark nigel came out in a bar in miami
CheerGurl 137: i like that
LiL Lilly422: kark kark kark
marked914: hi
skankwithmebaby: karp
CheerGurl 137: karpe diem
marked914: kaper
CheerGurl 137: carpe?
doolo157: queef
LiL Lilly422: ew I hate kapers
marked914: carpet
youraddictionx: ok i left for like 5 seconds and i am so lost
LiL Lilly422: eww!! DOOLAN
skankwithmebaby: i love capers
skankwithmebaby: they're so zany!
marked914: jennaa.....
IrishPunker107: tim said nigel was going to come out in lowell the other night, then got to drunk to breath right
LiL Lilly422: where is LeeLee and L'Homme?
doolo157: leehaha, you missed much worse
IrishPunker107: and peed everywhere
CheerGurl 137: yah?
Dohts has left the room.
IrishPunker107: and tried to flush the chair he peed on
skankwithmebaby: bahahahah
sinpunk1: HAHA YEA
youraddictionx: haha
LiL Lilly422: wait, Doolan what?
Inbl00m6794 has entered the room.
doolo157: you missed much grosser shit
marked914: heey
doolo157: earlier
sinpunk1: shit happens wen u party naked
CheerGurl 137: hey
Inbl00m6794: hey thanks mark
LiL Lilly422: when did I miss anything?
marked914: n/p
skankwithmebaby: hahaha cockandballs
LiL Lilly422: hahaha
doolo157: forever and 10 ago
sinpunk1: hha yea
CheerGurl 137: cockandball sundae
Inbl00m6794: haha
marked914: so i met the former russian president!
puumpkin escobar has left the room.
CheerGurl 137: i could go for one of those
sinpunk1: u wud
marked914: i would
IrishPunker107: a russian president?
sinpunk1: and how
marked914: yeah
skankwithmebaby: bahahaha
youraddictionx: why do all these random people go to salve
marked914: haha gorbochev
LiL Lilly422: wait, who's a russian president?
marked914: he didint
IrishPunker107: i am
skankwithmebaby: is that the gut
LiL Lilly422: no you aren't
marked914: i photogrpahed him!
LiL Lilly422: your Irish
skankwithmebaby: with the shit on his head
IrishPunker107: yes i am
LiL Lilly422: nope
IrishPunker107: NO WAY
marked914: for money
IrishPunker107: deal
LiL Lilly422: yesss
youraddictionx: oh was that the thing you were talking about before?
sinpunk1: im the first daughter
skankwithmebaby: DOES HE HAVE SHIT ON HIS HEAD?!?!
IrishPunker107: haha
marked914: yeah
marked914: yeah
skankwithmebaby: hahahaha, oh man
LiL Lilly422: first daughter?
sinpunk1: and doolin is my bodygaurd
LiL Lilly422: oooh Tim
CheerGurl 137: huh?
skankwithmebaby: that's awersome
doolo157: wait, i am your body guard
doolo157: ?
IrishPunker107: remember when tim wore like my sisters skirt or something?
sinpunk1: haha yea dude
LiL Lilly422: who's MINE?
skankwithmebaby: i wanna be a middle class society member in soviet russia
doolo157: can i carry a gun?
LiL Lilly422: haha I HAVE THE PICTURE
sinpunk1: cuz u can play d and d really good
IrishPunker107: well tim*
doolo157: can i be everyones boddy guard?
sinpunk1: so that mean u can protect me form dragons and shit
CheerGurl 137: i love tatou
LiL Lilly422: yes
skankwithmebaby: hahahaha me too
doolo157: i will dress in a suit
IrishPunker107: doolan and me are level 36 in dungeons and drangons everyone
doolo157: like pulp fiction
sinpunk1: nice
doolo157: fuck yeah D&D
doolo157: dfhwdflerjhgerpigherpgjetg
skankwithmebaby: i have a secret for you guys
LiL Lilly422: you guys are losers
sinpunk1: can u cary a pink cake across the road and look at me and say" motha fucka
doolo157: ye[p
LiL Lilly422: what is it Dan?
skankwithmebaby: everything you eat... turns to poop.
sinpunk1: then im down
IrishPunker107: NO!
doolo157: no way\
LiL Lilly422: eww
IrishPunker107: thats weird
marked914: hahhahahah
skankwithmebaby: hahahaha
sinpunk1: yeah but the grass doesnt have wheels dan
marked914: everything
marked914: 1
doolo157: what about the baby that i ate?
LiL Lilly422: vomit
marked914: !!
IrishPunker107: what about when i ate ur mom out?
LiL Lilly422: ewwww
IrishPunker107: is she poop now
youraddictionx: ewww
skankwithmebaby: what's do a duck and a bicycle have in common
ADDdrummer1524 has entered the room.
CheerGurl 137: yayyy :-)
IrishPunker107: JEREMY!
sinpunk1: hahahah furbush dont eat the cat out
leeana benson: eww
ADDdrummer1524: helllllllllllllllllo
IrishPunker107: NO WAYUhahaha
marked914: ewwwww
CheerGurl 137: haha i rule
youraddictionx: this is so vile
marked914: ahellloooo
LiL Lilly422: JEREMY!!!
CheerGurl 137: leeana!!
sinpunk1: JEREMY!
leeana benson: im trying to upload pictures:-(
skankwithmebaby: oh man, jarooooome
leeana benson: its not working cause my moms computer suckksss
LiL Lilly422: lame-o
skankwithmebaby: i'll upload your face
marked914: jeremy i am goging to stalk you now
leeana benson: GOOD ONE
IrishPunker107: hey u eat 32 double cheeseburgers yet j-rome?
ADDdrummer1524: OH MY LORD
skankwithmebaby: that's what your mom said
LiL Lilly422: ewwwwwwww
LiL Lilly422: you boys are gross
youraddictionx: seriously
doolo157: i ate a baby thinking it would incubate in my stomach and become my protige
LiL Lilly422: okay
skankwithmebaby: jeremy makes out with larry
LiL Lilly422: well then
IrishPunker107: and val
LiL Lilly422: I make out with Larry
ADDdrummer1524: brb
doolo157: hhahha
LiL Lilly422: haha ooooh boy
IrishPunker107: haha ur ten
CheerGurl 137: thats cause she hates you
doolo157: high school kids
ADDdrummer1524 has left the room.
IrishPunker107: that was a mistake
marked914: i ahve to go!
sinpunk1: hahahahha o man
marked914: goodbye!
LiL Lilly422: MARK
skankwithmebaby: bye mark!
marked914: fairwell
CheerGurl 137: bye mark see you friday sire :-)
youraddictionx: bye mark!
LiL Lilly422: bye Mark
Inbl00m6794: bye mark
LiL Lilly422: I love youuuu
sinpunk1: bye mark
leeana benson: goodbye markkkkkkk
marked914: i lolve yoou
sinpunk1: milk
CheerGurl 137: love you kark
doolo157: hahahahaha
skankwithmebaby: hahahahaha
CheerGurl 137: mark!
IrishPunker107: haha
marked914: well
sinpunk1: mark dont forget to eat ur meatloaf
doolo157: yes!
Inbl00m6794: haha
sinpunk1: yes
IrishPunker107: wow
skankwithmebaby: oh dang
IrishPunker107: way to go dan
marked914: meatloaf. okay ill put that on my to-do list
sinpunk1: hahaha
sinpunk1: nice
LiL Lilly422: hahahahaaaaaaa
doolo157: you are the grand prise winner
CheerGurl 137: dont forget to poop
sinpunk1: and i love ur cat
CheerGurl 137: do you have to go now?
leeana benson: MA MEATLOAF. FACK
marked914: yeah
skankwithmebaby: we should invite raime
sinpunk1: a lot
IrishPunker107: JEANNA UR GROSS
IrishPunker107: NO
sinpunk1: O MAN !!!
marked914: my sink is exploding
IrishPunker107: NO RAMIE
marked914: shit.
CheerGurl 137: go have someone push your tummy
IrishPunker107: he can die that clown
skankwithmebaby: what is she doing back there, i never know what she's doing
marked914: ah............
LiL Lilly422: NO RAMIE
leeana benson: hhahahaha
marked914: bye.
marked914 has left the room.
sinpunk1: thats like my bible
puumpkin escobar has entered the room.
sinpunk1: o man
skankwithmebaby: good thing he's gone
leeana benson: THE MLH
CheerGurl 137: thats your bible???
LiL Lilly422: MLH!!
puumpkin escobar: hi baby!
sinpunk1: big mike
sinpunk1: 1
puumpkin escobar: -to lab
leeana benson: the man the myth
puumpkin escobar: hey boobs mcgee
puumpkin escobar: to leah
doolo157: i have a fist in my but, and its not mine
IrishPunker107: hahaha
LiL Lilly422: WOOHOOO
leeana benson: hahha
sinpunk1: hahaha
skankwithmebaby: sorry about that doolo
IrishPunker107: where do babies come from?
doolo157: i am getting used to it
puumpkin escobar: hahahahah its browns
sinpunk1: doolo get out of my room
puumpkin escobar: dan brown eye
skankwithmebaby: lebanon!
LiL Lilly422: omg
LiL Lilly422: I love this
LiL Lilly422: we should do this everynight
CheerGurl 137: i love YOU
doolo157: THE BIG V
sinpunk1: seriously
CheerGurl 137: haha i owuld never do hw..
skankwithmebaby: lack of prayer
puumpkin escobar: hahah
LiL Lilly422: fuck hw
LiL Lilly422: who needs school
leeana benson: i dont have to do homework
CheerGurl 137: good call
skankwithmebaby: NO!
puumpkin escobar: fuck HW
IrishPunker107: its so hard to be in a chat with people that NEVER stop talking
doolo157: B. U .T
LiL Lilly422: Tim suggested we open a restaurant
CheerGurl 137: you wanna?!?!?!
sinpunk1: me?
skankwithmebaby: and fuck each other in the butt
puumpkin escobar: leah have u been involved in any good lesbian acgtion at your all girls school latelyl
sinpunk1: when was this
leeana benson: haha..
IrishPunker107: tim suggests a lot of things when hes drunk
LiL Lilly422: NOOO
puumpkin escobar: who wants to cyber
CheerGurl 137: good call
youraddictionx: haha
doolo157: me
skankwithmebaby: on my messae
leeana benson: im crying jenna
LiL Lilly422: on your message to Dan
doolo157: me me me
doolo157: l'homme
sinpunk1: hahaha fuck u mike
skankwithmebaby: LEAH
doolo157: pick me
CheerGurl 137: sorry leelee :-(
skankwithmebaby: HARRY POTTER
LiL Lilly422: OMG
leeana benson: hahaha
CheerGurl 137: lol im actually jealous
LiL Lilly422: I HAVE IT
skankwithmebaby: TOMORROW NIGHT OR ELSE
puumpkin escobar: dude
LiL Lilly422: I'M SORRY
puumpkin escobar: new flaming lips is out
doolo157: really?
puumpkin escobar: wheres sorbet
puumpkin escobar: yes
puumpkin escobar: its aewsoem
skankwithmebaby: i will come to simmons and rape your entire floor and take the movie
doolo157: is it sick
IrishPunker107: PRACTICING
doolo157: sorbet doesnt have AIM
LiL Lilly422: but I love you
doolo157: he also lacks social skills
puumpkin escobar: u can listen ot teh whole thing on
puumpkin escobar: i thikn
puumpkin escobar: its so sick
IrishPunker107: wow sweet
sinpunk1: yea hes to busy fingering him self in the practice space
LiL Lilly422: hahahaha
IrishPunker107: haha
LiL Lilly422: oh Kirby
LiL Lilly422: lame-ass
leeana benson: i changed my font color to blue. so my messages stand out
doolo157: he is sucking anthony off
sinpunk1: haha
LiL Lilly422: yes! go LeeLEe
CheerGurl 137: nice job leeana
leeana benson: thanks,
puumpkin escobar: who is anthony
CheerGurl 137: no prob
puumpkin escobar: his own wang
doolo157: his drum room partner
IrishPunker107: his "partner"
LiL Lilly422: haha
LiL Lilly422: I need to go
puumpkin escobar: cause he learned yogo and now performs felation upon himself
skankwithmebaby: what's the weirdest thing you guys have ever gotten stuck in your nose?
leeana benson: BRB
puumpkin escobar: and likes it a lot
doolo157: he is so much bettwer than him at drums
CheerGurl 137: a bead from a craft kit
IrishPunker107: umm my penis
LiL Lilly422: my sister got a barbie foot
doolo157: yeah
LiL Lilly422: MIKE!
puumpkin escobar: an anal bead
doolo157: i agree whith mike
CheerGurl 137: ew
doolo157: mikes penis
LiL Lilly422: ANTM IS ON
doolo157: fuck off
CheerGurl 137: yah me too
doolo157: lehaha
CheerGurl 137: i love you all!
skankwithmebaby: POOP
CheerGurl 137: especially leah
puumpkin escobar: poop nose
LiL Lilly422: I love all of you all
skankwithmebaby: wait whatson?
skankwithmebaby: ohhh, gay show
CheerGurl 137: nice tits see ya soon
IrishPunker107: gay shit
sinpunk1: gay show?
skankwithmebaby: my roommate jnust came in to watch it
youraddictionx: yeah i love you guys but ive got to go
IrishPunker107: haha
puumpkin escobar: ok
LiL Lilly422: okay I love you all
LiL Lilly422: so much
doolo157: i am gay
LiL Lilly422: now say bye nicely
LiL Lilly422: go
leeana benson: BYE LEAH
sinpunk1: hahahha
skankwithmebaby: we know
IrishPunker107: BYE!
CheerGurl 137: bye leah love
skankwithmebaby: bye guys
LiL Lilly422: bye
youraddictionx: dan call me if you stop being lame and want to do somethinggg here
CheerGurl 137: byyyye everyone
youraddictionx: byee
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