(no subject)

May 06, 2005 08:56

I just finished my last class EVER (well unless for some really odd odd reason I decide to go back for a Masters in something but let's just assume it's probably forever). Yay!!!! And I was only in class for like 15 minutes to get a test back. I've realized that to get an A in that class I'd need like 100% on the final, but to get a B I only need 35%. So I guess I won't be studying for that one!
So four more finals stand between me and graduation. 2 that I'll actually study for so that I get my A in the classes, one that (as mentioned above) is already definitely gonna be a B without studying in the least, and then of course the on-line history final.
People keep asking me what I'm going to do for graduation. They all seem to be under the impression that just cause it's only 1 week away that I should have some sort of plan or something. Crazy people. I'm a free spirit. I'll just do whatever floats my boat for a while. No reason to get worried. That means especially you Ms Gentry and that goes for Halleh's dad too. I'm sure everything'll work out just fine and dandy.
The bars last night were a lot of fun. And I wasn't even drinking. It was a small but awesome group: Me, Linds, Liz, Halleh, and my twin. And no one even did $5 all you can drink. They bought pitchers. What a classy group I went with!
I'm really excited about the lime green shirts for tonight. It's a good reason to wear my lime green flip flops. I don't know - Lime green is just such a happy color. It just makes you want to smile - Don't deny it.
Well I better get to lunch. Then I think maybe looking at apartments, hopefully working on some projects, maybe a nap, and I'm sure lots of fun with my best friend.
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