The new car, it's at the dealers. I took a seat in it and some stuff is not working yet. Also it doesn't look as cool as I remember when I wanted to buy it, but hopefully I won't hate it and get used to it or something.
I need to change my registration so I can put my plates on the new car, and to get insurance, before I can drive it. I've only found out Friday night so I was unable to ask for a day off for Monday. So I'll try for Monday afternoon or Tuesday. I also need to go to the bank to get a check for the remaining money to pay which is still on my account. I already signed the loan papers off, first payment is May 1st. 192Euros/Month.
It's green all right, I couldn't open the trunk, or find the controls to pull the mirrors in. It supposedly has a CD loader but no cassette to put CD's in ?
So much still to learn, by the end of next week, my tiny little old granny Honda will belong to the dealer. I'll miss that thing I guess.
(I guess I forgot not everyone has their livejournals set up so it doesn't load big images)
Buh bye !
Also, where should bulbasour sit ?