I just got back from a little shopping. Usually I go shopping straight from work, but I'd bought a food item that wasn't completely sealed, and even though it was still good for four more days, it had turned green inside, so I went back to replace it.
I suddenly realize now, I'm changing shops. I used to go religiously to the same supermarket chain, and in the past month, I've suddenly started going to another one. It's a little bit closer to and directly on my way home, but the other shop was on the way home too, I guess I like the variety of foodstuffs at the other shop. They had lots of new things to try out and I haven't been disappointed so far, except for this one item which was clearly a production accident, no reason to swap shops for.
Before that I did a little cleaning, I started going trough old bags to find the receipt for that food item and in result I cleaned out the garage almost entirely. There is plenty of room for the new car now. I'll still have to do a lot of rounds to the attic to move all the stuff that I put in the living room now out of sight. But hey, after an entire weekend of being uber lazy, this is a good start for a change.
It sounds like I'll be mega bored at work too, first plans of doing something are Thursday, we just passed Monday. I'll probably be able to play with perl a bit. We have a new colleague starting tomorrow, he changed jobs, so we all know him. He was bored today too so I gave him a little show of some of the things we do, and which he'll have to start doing in the near future too.
I liked this joke on the radio today, it was about Janet Jackson and the boob that wished to see the game too, instead of the boring insides of a bra all day. They said it proves that Janet and Michael aren't one and the same person ;-)
I don't know, a bit of silicone more or less wouldn't make much of a difference to Michael I think. My second name is Michiel, and when I was a kid and Michael was still black, I used to pronounce it Michael because I thought it sounded cool (Probably because of the guy with curly hair driving around in a talking black car, not the wacko singer (although David Hasselhof sings too, actually))
Anyway, I'm now having strange daydreams about my new car dealing with car thieves and hooligans all by itself, I guess I will need to teach it how to talk. I had plans for that with my very first car, I was going to name it TC for short, which is just the abbreviation of (Talking Car), I know, it lacks some originality, the thing is, I can get that to work. I once thought my computer to recognize my voice so I could write a letter using speech, I trained with the international spelling alphabet, so I would say something like Tango-Charlie (Talking Car) Omega-Delta (Open Doors)
Would be cool to walk up to your car that way and let it open the doors for you, right ?
The daydream car would also drive away, and threaten the thieves by starting it's engine and revving (sp?) the engine a bit. I'm not so sure if I want to teach my car that, but I always dreamed of installing a camera and creating a web site where I post information and pictures of foolish reckless drivers going way over the speed limit and trough the red lights and such. Smile, you're on candid camera.
My bet is that as soon as this car is here, I'll have paid so much money on it that I won't dare to touch it's intestines.