Jan 09, 2005 21:02
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear fischie! Happy Birthday to you!
Jewelia- I love you soooo much! You're such an absolutely beautiful girl. It hurts me so much that I know you won't believe me when I say that. But you are. You're gorgeous. I'm jealous of so many things about you. But more than anything I want you to be happy. Its not important what i'm jealous of or what hurts me. I just want you to be happy. I love you.
KP- I'm here. I will be, always. Don't ever forget that. I love you so much. You're a great person, absolutely. No one can deny you that. I love so much about you. I'm willing to do anything to help you. ANYTHING. No matter what it is. I'm going to always try to help. No matter what. We've been through so much together and I'm going to help you thru this one. I love you.