An eventful day

Aug 27, 2005 19:44

We had two pet cats, a pet rat, some random mice, and a family of birds living in the basement.  The first cat, Freya, got rid of the mice in a week; good girl.  The birds appear to have left on their own.  The second cat is relatively new to the house and as yet unnamed.  And Freya just had kittens.  Four impossibly adorable little blind furballs.  I'm so geekin' out.

You counted right: six cats.  But you wanna know the funny thing?  Heidi and I are dog people.  Cats are fine, of course, but only as secondary filler.  So, if anyone wants a kitten, there might be one available in a couple of weeks... ;-)

In other news, my parents are in town, mostly to see Tyrion, but also to help work on the yard.  (Heidi wants to put a rose garden out front, and I think that's an awesome plan - seeing Cindy's rose garden in Redding won me over to that.)  I finally mowed the big field of 2-foot tall grass in the back yard, and ended up with fifteen mosquito bites, and a bee sting in my armpit.

Yes.  A fucking BEE (or maybe a wasp) tried to nest in my hair, and when I raised my arms to shoo it away, it took the available alternate route, which left it in an uncomfortable position when I lowered my arm, and it told me so.  And that smarts a bit.  Little bastard.

Okay, you can stop laughing at me now.  Insensitive jerks.

heidi, tyrion, kittens, pets

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