Oct 22, 2007 09:52
It is a business truism that weekends are always too short. I know I, for one, would hold that as a tautology. So it came to be with this last - a fantastic date on Saturday, exploring Jackson and Ann Arbor and walking through obscure parks and seeing old friends at coffee and going for sushi dinner and then multiple haunted houses and a corn maze followed by a return to Hillsdale to drink wine and debate philosophy of mind with another friend until six in the morning, and then a lazy Sunday with grocery shopping and walking and leaf fights and pizza and Eddie Izzard and then a midnight drive home where it's ever so lonely in comparison but next weekend will involve a great visit and Wicked and Halloween prep and more to be excited for and my god this sentence looks like Faulkner okay I'm done. Now I'm back at work, tired, but ready to take on the week. Bring it!