HeY GiRLz! I was just wondering if you could make me a layout! This is what i want:
http://www.totallybritney.com/pictures/index.php?display=Award%20Shows%2FAmerican%20Music%20Awards%2F2002%2F00004.jpg That picture on the left..i want a text box on the right..(can you do this or tell me how..i have noo idea!)..i want it to say..CaiTLiN..somewhere on it...and i LuV BriTNeY.. on it somewhere...think pink..everything pink..stars, hearts, etc...animation if you can on anything..im not picky at all...can you do the hearts like you have on your info page between the comment links? i can do the comment links myself but if you want to i want them to say..BoYs?! and then # GirLz jUsT NeEd oNe!<3 i want strikethru on that.
i think thats it! thankssssssss if you can...if you have a ? or nething my s/n is KcSChiKa87 and my e-mail is Caitlin@youareadork.com
MuCh LoVe!