
May 14, 2007 17:35

I had a spectacular day today! Woke up this morning after a wonderful night (the temperature was just perfect and I was gorgeously comfortable, and had relatively calm dreams about Tesco, hehe) and had weetabix because some wonderful flatmate bought milk yesterday. Then I lounged around for a bit (filled out another job application, thanks for the tip, Dad!) before heading into the uni for my appointment with the psych experiment. Found 5p on the way in.

The appointment went well. Had to do some things with looking at a screen and pushing buttons and fill out a couple of questionnaires and then I got 35 quid! w00t! Headed into Tesco immediately to buy food and felt really good. :D

Had lunch (PB&J on the *thick* bread, omw, it’s so good) and lounged through the afternoon, pretty much. I did look at my paper again, changed one word, but I think it’s pretty much ready to go. I’m going to print my other paper (the criminal justice one) tomorrow and hand it in, so we’ll see if I feel like doing the American lit one at the same time. Oh, and I also turned the CJ one in to turnitin.com today, so that’s done. Found out the deadline is a day earlier than I had thought, too, so that’s good!

Macaroni for dinner again tonight. Winding down with the food…

Oh, and I watched "Recovery" last night, with David Tennant. Wow. Powerful movie...

spending money, gainful employment, the swansea chronicles, al-hamdu lillaah!, kollij, books 'n' movies, crazy texas weather

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