Another Meme

Jan 15, 2009 08:48

Grabbed this from bookwormprinces, who got it from sache8, who created it.

In an alternate universe, ljmckay would be...

- in a naval ROTC program in Vermont, working on a criminal justice degree and headed to law school.
- a bitter, cynical anti-American.
- living in Kenya.
- at Harvard or Yale.
- working for the FBI.
- a veterinarian, neurosurgeon, 5th grade teacher, and flight attendant.
- a published author, raking in the royalties.
- married, with three kids.
- dead. (like sache8 said, it's a little morbid, but come on, it's an AU!)
- a boy named Joshua Peter (and I would go by Josh, not JP).
- a world-famous defender in women's soccer.
- student body president.
- the surprise hit extra on Stargate who becomes a recurring guest and eventually part of the regular supporting cast.
- Dr. Rodney McKay's geeky assistant. (clearly in a different AU than the one above...)
- Dr. Daniel Jackson's geeky assistant. (more likely, actually, given my math/science skills...)
- a world-famous pianist whom the prickly Meredith McKay meets and falls for. ;)

and finally...the most dreadful scenario of all...

- a longhorn O_O


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