Icon posting!

Jan 28, 2019 07:42

Comment "hit me up" and I'll pick 3 of your icons for you to comment on! Here are the three
lb_lee picked: Soseono, Deokman, misil.

This one is my icon of the character Soseono, from I think the show Jumong. As longtime readers know, she is an ancient Korean queen from the first century B.C., and is my personal heroine whom I've been trying to write a story about. I especially enjoy depictions of older Soseono because older heroines are so rarely acknowledged both in history and fiction. I don't use it nearly often enough and should begin to do so when the neutral face of displeasure is called for.

This is a fictional depiction of another historical Korean lady--Princess Deokman who would become Queen Seondeok, a seventh-century Korean queen. This is her as portrayed in the show Queen Seondeok. I particularly like this picture because of its anachronistic depiction of a woman in period costume with earbuds. Obviously this is not a scene from the actual show, as that would have been a very different show, but is rather a picture of actress Lee Yo-won relaxing during downtime. (Koreans find pictures like this endlessly amusing; see also heartthrob Lee Joon Ki using a smartphone in costume.) Due to the earbuds I often use this for my music-related posts as well.

You know how it's often the villain that makes the show? In the case of the aforementioned Queen Seondeok this was DEFINITELY the case. This icon is a depiction of Lady Misil, Deokman's main antagonist from the show, whose ambition and ruthlessness threatened Deokman literally from birth. As Deokman's political rival Misil was a major source of conflict and tension, not to mention a charismatic and sympathetic character in her own right. When she died close to the end of the show's run after her final defeat to Deoman, viewers were posting faux ending notices like "The show Queen Misil has drawn to an end. Thank you for your viewership." QS still dragged on a few more episodes afterward, but ratings fell significantly and it wasn't interesting anymore without Misil providing that constant sense of menace. She truly was the heart of the show, and the way the show focused on the relationships of women with the tension between Misil and Deokman as the central conflict still makes it unusual in the annals of K-Dramas and, dare I say, media in general. Dreamwidth entry URL: https://lj-writes.dreamwidth.org/79358.html

dw: icons, soseono, media: queen seondeok, history

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