*Warning: This is a gushy post.*
Fil is in town for a few weeks and was kind enough to get me a pass to go see him play with both the opening and main band at the Bowery Ballroom last night. It was a great night. Fil is so super talented. It's not fair! When God doled out musical talent, I think he gave too much to Fil and not nearly enough to me. He has grown so much. It was great to see.
Not only did I get to see him play with
Poe but I finally got to check out
Golden Smog. I have to say that I am totally in
love with them. There's not a bad song in the entire set. I have read all about them but I had never *heard* this version of them until last night. I had the intention of going to see Fil, catch Poe's set and then leave after a couple of Golden Smog songs. I know it sounds lame, but I have to be up at the crack of dawn for work every day. But that plan was foiled quickly. I could not move. I was glued. I stayed until (gulp) 1:00 AM. It was magical.
Today I bought
Weird Tales and love it. How can a music fan possibly be disappointed if members of the The Jayhawks, Big Star, Soul Asylum and Wilco come together? I don't know what I was thinking by not listening sooner. Don't miss out ..listen to them today people!
Gary Louris's voice is now back up to the top of one of my favorite.voices.ever list. I'm also in total lust with Kraig Johnson. He's drop dead.gorgeous and super sexy. I'm feeling all charged up today. It's been quite a long time since I felt this way after a show. It feels great!
It goes without saying that Poe was great. He was his usual charming self up there. He also played a beautiful version of The Drifter. Yay!
Here are some pics of Fil being all famous and stuff.